Chapter Fifty Nine

Start from the beginning

Lord Riku then snaps his fingers and suddenly the rug was gone and replaced with a large rectangular hole that instead of producing golden light, like the previous portal that brought Goro and I here, it produced a strange dark blue and black smoke that prevents us to seeing where the portal would take us. I turn to Goro and say, "See you on the other side." And with that I jump into the portal and watch as the smoke disappears as my Spirit energy glows around me as my body begins to fall down towards the sea, before coming to a halt before coming in contact with the water. As soon as I see Goro appear beside me cloaked in his Spirit energy, we both suddenly end up zooming across the water and towards the strange looking island that is but a distance away from us. "Hanging Neck Island." Both Goro and I breath out, and with that our energy blinds us and we find ourselves in front of a luxurious large hotel called, Hotel Kubikukuri.

"This is where we're staying?" Goro asks with wide eyes, whilst I look between him and the hotel with my mouth slightly agape, until another voice speaks up, "Yes, this is the hotel that has been booked for you team

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"This is where we're staying?" Goro asks with wide eyes, whilst I look between him and the hotel with my mouth slightly agape, until another voice speaks up, "Yes, this is the hotel that has been booked for you team. I must say it is very over the top in Human luxurious standards isn't it." Both Goro and I turn to see Lord Kenichi behind us with a smile on his face, which becomes on of amusement when taking in our reactions to seeing how fancy the hotel is. "Shall we go inside?" He then asks us as he turns us both around and lightly pushes us. We enter to find an old butler waiting to greet us, "Why hello dear guest. Follow me and I'll show you to your rooms." And with that we all follow the old man through the corridors and areas packed with overly dressed rich Human men and women, who let out laughs occasionally along with their usual chatter and sending an occasional glance our way. But soon we don't have to worry about them as we enter a lift with the butler, who presses the button that will take us to the floor our room is on.


The Butler walks us to our room and opens the door for us. Both Goro and I enter the room and take in the sight of what is clearly the living room of our accommodation, which comes with an open kitchen space. "I apologise for not bringing your complimentary refreshments. After I show Lord Kenichi his room, I will deliver your complimentary refreshments. We were expecting you to arrive with the rest of your team by boat." This makes Lord Kenichi say, "Well these two are more special than the other members of their team, as it says on their invitation." He then takes the invitation from my bag and passes it to the butler who read it before visibly gulping and giving the invitation back. He then bows to me and Goro as he says, "Apologies, I will make sure you get the refreshments as quick as possible." And with that Lord Kenichi and the Butler leaves, making me and Goro look at each other with shocked expressions before we both suddenly start laughing.


Third Person's POV

Back on the mainland of Japan, Demons of various kinds sit in groups close to a fire as they wait for the boat which will take them to Hanging Neck Island. But their eyes were not on their own members of the team or the flames or even the waters, their eyes were instead on their potential competition. "It's about time this tournament day arrived." One Demon says after releasing a small chuckle. "Now we can kill without those pursuers after us." Another Demon adds, leading to another saying, "And imagine our power once we've gotten that prize." This comment of course does spark some arguments around those present. "We're the one's who are going to get the prize! Just go home if you don't want to die!" One Demon barks at another group seated across from him. "Obviously you haven't seen us fight yet!" One of the Demon's that was addressed by the previous one argues back.

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