𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝗌𝗂𝗑 : 𝖦𝗂𝗋𝗅𝗌 𝖧𝗈𝗅𝗂𝖽𝖺𝗒

Start from the beginning

"yeah of course i am." Em smiled.

"ok good."

Melody smiled when she saw Emmy coming towards her, "hiya wee one." the Texas women said.

"hey." Em smiled, "you feeling alright? You look tired." Melody said worriedly.

"yeah i'm good, just been having a hard time sleeping, but the doctors gave me sleeping pills. So it's all ok." the blonde replied.

Melody nodded looking down sadly, she was worried sick about her husband's daughter, who she liked to call her own.

She was so young and didn't deserve what she was going on with her. Everyone knew at that point what the situation was, they didn't mention it since it was obvious it upset her.

Something Melody had learnt about Emmy is that she never told anyone how she felt, she'd much rather comfort somebody than somebody comfort her.

Melody could see practically Emmy ribs, that how bad it was. Her face got slimmer each day, so did the rest of her body.


IT HIT NIGHT and the girls were going out for drinks.

Emmy had changed into black and white twisted halter neck dress, she put her gold bangles, gold sandals and her gold bag.

She added white circular earrings and she did her normal makeup and left her hair down.

Mo had finished getting ready early so she went and joined Em in her room.

"what do you think John is up too right now?" Mo asked.

"oh i'm not sure." Em smiled at the thought of John, it hadn't even been a day and she already missed him dearly.

"what about Ritchie? What do you think he's up too?"

"probably with his mum, having dinner." she chuckled.

Emmy laughed and quickly put her lip gloss on, "let's go!" she said excitedly.

She pulled Mo up from the bed and the two skipped down the hall and into the foyer, where the other stood waiting.

Tina smiled, "you look beautiful, Em."

"thank you Tina, as do you." Em replied, putting her arm around Tina's shoulders.

Her manager put her arm around her waist and they walked toward the car, that would taking them too the club.

As she always did, she lit a cigarette and bobbed her head to the music.

The sheer material of her dress kept her the perfect temperature, which she was glad about but as always she had a fan in her bag.

'And the sky is gray
I've been for a walk
On a winter's day
If I didn't tell her'

She sang to herself, "what are planning on drinking?" Jane asked her.

"Martinis all night." Emmy smiled, Jane laughed
"same baby." The two girls giggled.

They arrived at the club, one by one they stepped out the car. It was great, there were no paparazzi what so ever, they all finally felt normal.

After Emmy and Jane had gotten their martinis, herself, Jane, Pattie and Mo all went onto the dance floor.

The groove of the club was amazing, multicoloured lights, a large disco ball, the smoke from all the cigarette.

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