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 Li Yu on the shore looked at his hands, half squatted by the pool and looked at the pool anxiously.

 He frowned, and when Chi Shu turned around, he could no longer restrain the changes in his pupils, the golden color gradually filled his entire pupils, and he narrowed his eyes anxiously.

 Like a big wolfhound that accidentally bit its owner, it was locked outside the owner's door at a loss, flicking its tail anxiously thinking about how to get the owner's forgiveness again.

 Li Yu pressed his aching head, the first connection had a greater impact on him than he imagined, he restrained himself from jumping into the water to fish out the pond again.

 Slowly got up and walked towards the forest.

 Chi Shu stayed in the shell bed for a while, and somehow felt that his body temperature seemed to be rising all the time. The dark environment of the shell bed made him suffocate, and he suddenly missed Li Yu's embrace.

 The boy's eyes were red, and he was at a loss to feel the sudden desire in his body. He wanted to be held in Li Yu's arms, and he didn't want to stay alone in the cold water.

 Chi Shu touched the shell with his fine white fingertips, and retracted it somewhat tangled up, but it was obvious that he and Li Yu had a quarrel just now, so it would be embarrassing to go back now.

 The boy bit his white knuckles, but finally swam towards the pool reluctantly, wagging his tail.

 He has always been a timid character. When he was young, because his face was paralyzed, but he was ticklish, the people from the same school often grabbed him in the corner and deliberately scratched his itch.

 Watch him laugh with a contorted expressionless face.

 Li Yu's actions just now resembled those hateful people. Chi Shu thought he was the same as those people, so he jumped down without hesitation and calmed down in the shell bed for a while.

 Chi Shu just realized belatedly, Li Yu didn't seem to want to tickle him just now, although he never let him go...

 The boy struggled in the water and slowly surfaced.

 Today Li Yu was wearing a dark green sweater. He seemed a little annoyed, sitting cross-legged by the pool, his eyes were covered by drooping eyelashes, and his slightly long hair was hanging down limply.

 Like a big dog that fell into the water and was abandoned by its owner.

 Chi Shu thought of this description inappropriately.

 He flicked his tail reservedly and swam towards Li Yu, leaned on the bank and looked up at Li Yu, his knuckles by the pool trembling slightly, his face was expressionless relying on his natural advantages.

 Looking fiercely at Li Yu, "You...what did you want to do just now, I...I'll give you one last chance! Be honest and be lenient!"

 Li Yu, who lowered his head, suddenly looked at him, and Chi Shu looked at him nervously. At this time, Li Yu lost his usual smile, and his expressionless face looked a little scary.

 "Li Yu?" When Chi Shu, who was still angry just now, saw the pale face of the other party, Chi Shu immediately forgot that he was still angry, swam forward a little, and took Li Yu's hand hanging at the side, "What's wrong with you? "

 Obviously he was the one who just came out of the water, but Li Yu's hands were colder than his.

 "I'm fine." Li Yu's index finger hooked Chi Shu's outstretched hands, and a gentle smile slowly appeared on his expressionless face, which looked no different from his usual self.

After Awakening as a Mermaid, He became the Marshal's Palm PetWhere stories live. Discover now