Chapter Fifty Eight

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"It's actually good that he went first." Lord Riku says, making me look to him confused and blurt out, "Why?" Lord Riku walks over to me and says, "My race lives in an area that is filled with toxic gas in majority of our lands so that we can build our immunity and tolerance to poisons as well as natural strengthen our own poisons. This means that it may be toxic to you as well as I am unaware to what levels of toxicity you have been exposed to." I nod my head and allow my face to show that I understand his concerns, before saying, "Chiharu would poison the food and drink that she would give me and Goro, but I don't recall what poisons she used. Goro might, but the again it might not be what you have in your world." I could see the anger in Lord Riku's eyes at what I had revealed to him, but it quickly goes away as he pulls out a small potion bottle with pink liquid inside from his sleeve. Do sleeves have pockets? I think as he holds it out to me.

"What's this?" I ask as I take a hold of the potion bottle and stare at it with caution. "It's an elixir that will temporarily make you immune to the toxic fumes until I take you to the training area, which has been adjusted for you." Lord Riku informs me, making me nod as I remove the lid before downing the liquid that strangely tasted exactly like strawberry lemonade. Lord Riku takes away the empty bottle before gesturing for me to make my way through the still open door. To which I enter and allow the light to engulf me.


Third Person's POV

Genkai continues to stare at her TV with a warm cup in her hands, despite Yusuke Urameshi standing behind her. "Hm. It's about time you came back. Please tell me you've gotten a little better." Genkai says with her gaze still fixated on the screen. Yusuke doesn't say anything and just stares at the back of her head with a look of determination.


Meanwhile elsewhere, Hiei uses his immense speed to charge at Kuwabara whilst throwing strikes at the Human teen with a bamboo shoot instead of his trusty sword. Each hit makes harsh contact with Kuwabara, who cries out in pain from each hit and falls to the ground. "At this rate, you'll never survive." Hiei states when he briefly lands in front of Kuwabara before leaping back up into the high parts of the bamboo forest.


And with Goro and Akina, who both now stand in a land that seems like a never ending desert. Their bodies drip with sweat whilst they both allow their eyes to dart around them. The ground shakes as if experiencing an earthquake, making the two shake greatly and barely manage to keep standing on the sandy hills that the two stand on individually. Akina then jumps as a large blast of energy is sent her way, whilst Goro ducks as a blazing green whip made of energy tries to hit his head.


Back in Human World in Genkai's land, both Genkai and Yusuke leap up rocky edges of a tall mountain cliffside. Genkai was making her way up quickly and without noise, whilst Yuske slowly follows whilst releasing pained and tired grunts as he has ankle weights attached to his feet. It at first seemed to be going smoothly until Yusuke places his foot on a very small ledge that he saw Genkai use. Due to the additional weight Yusuke had placed on that ledge due to the weights, the ledge gives way making him release a cry as he falls down the side of the mountain, until he managed to gather himself enough to spot an edge and grab it in time to prevent him from crashing all the way into the bottom and dying again.

Genkai sips her drink after hearing Yusuke's answer. She looks back at him and says, "This time I won't go easy."

And true to her word, when spotting Yusuke she leaps off the mountain and allows herself to fall towards Yusuke, before then using her energy to make her levitate directly in front of the now shocked and fearful Yusuke. She then releases a battle cry as she rappidly and continuously punches Yusuke in the gut.

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