Chapter 29: Take me back

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Trigger warning; Death threats
Featured photo: Hi 5 Series 11, Song of the Week: Stop Look Listen
Crystal's POV
Take me back...

Take me back to 28.2.

I've been struggling to bounce back from my failure at the debut show. I've had so many negative flashbacks the past two days it's hard to think about anything. Ugh... let me have a positive flashback for once...

...but I can't think of anything. I mean I am recovering but most of my good memories have faded into monochrome and my bad ones have burst into a colour palette stronger than ROYGBIV. Then, I had another flashback, and once again, it was about failure...
You know by now I'm a disciplined person that would prepare for her tests. However, I am a human whose worst subject is Science, not a robot. Please keep that in mind.

On the day I was due to attend the Amaze audition, I got back my Science WA1*

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

On the day I was due to attend the Amaze audition, I got back my Science WA1*. And guess what? I ✨gloriously failed that paper with a meagre 46%. To make matters worse, I have done well for my previous papers, which definitely marred the mood of bliss from success. It felt like this score was mocking me, and the entire class pitying me for my failure. And the real pinch in the gut was the strong jealousy with my old childhood friend that came with him being the highest.

It was hell of a time going through corrections as I conceptualised ways of taking revenge. But I knew it wasn't nice of me to bully him over such a trivial matter, so I bit the bullet and congratulated him, doing everything I could to suppress the fact I actually wasn't ok.

 But I knew it wasn't nice of me to bully him over such a trivial matter, so I bit the bullet and congratulated him, doing everything I could to suppress the fact I actually wasn't ok

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

However, my classmates were quick enough to see through me and started showing concern for me. It remains a mystery of why I did such a thing to this day, but I screamed, "Shut up! Else I'm going to k1|| you!"

I stormed out of 2 Happiness

I ran to a far area of a corridor watching the rain, but the class chairman** Anika caught up and actually asked me if I was ok

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

I ran to a far area of a corridor watching the rain, but the class chairman** Anika caught up and actually asked me if I was ok. Initially I didn't want to talk to her but she helped me open up and I was eventually able and tell her my problems. All of them.

She managed to comfort and abuse me pretty well. And to help me with that, she gave stories of her failures, which shocked me since she was a top student in everyone's eyes. And for half an hour, it was just two of us standing near the rain talking about difficult stuff.
Present day
That memory actually made me feel better. Not that I'm encouraging anyone to fail tests for the sake of being consoled, but the fact that the memory wasn't all negative actually comforted me.

I looked up to the sky and muttered, "Anika, thanks for comforting me

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

I looked up to the sky and muttered, "Anika, thanks for comforting me... once again."
No one's POV
Crystal's definitely feeling a lot better now! I can't wait to see her back in action as the confident, responsible and mature leader she has always been.

Stay tuned for the next chapter as Crystal reflects about the events that have been happening the past few days!
(539 words)
*- another way of saying a class test
**- another way of saying a class monitor

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