Chapter 6

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Featured photo: Hi-5 UK, puzzles and patterns
No one's POV
The days passed and soon, the application closed. Another few days passed, and it was the big day. The day those worthy enough to join the auditions would get either a special letter or a special email. If they didn't get a letter or email by 2359, they didn't make it.

Let's see how our five new idols knew they would go to the auditions!
Crystal's POV
It's finally D-Day. The day I've been counting down to. I was told to expect a letter or email coming to me by 2359. Yet, I didn't need to wait until then. It came to me much earlier.

I first knew about it in school, when we were given 10 minutes to "chill." Hungry me was surfing through some recipe websites when a notification going to my Gmail popped up. The minute I saw Merlion Agency, I hurriedly clicked on it. Closing my eyes, I then opened it to a few seconds, hoping I'll return to Gmail. I did!

The minute I opened my eyes, black bold letters read:

Amaze Application Results

I thought it meant I was rejected, since it was stated if I got rejected, I would either be noticed or nothing would come to me. I read on, hoping for the best while preparing for the worst. After all, this isn't my first time getting rejected from a group, so I bit the bullet and continued reading.

We are glad to inform you have been chosen to take part in the original cast auditions for Amaze. You will report for auditions on 12 March 2023 at Merlion Agency.

Before the auditions, you would be expected to attend a briefing on 28 February 2023. Failure to attend would lead to automatic disqualification from the auditions. Please prepare a song and dance item for the audition.

Looking forward to meeting you on 12 March.

Yours Sincerely,
Mr Pang
Founder of Amaze

Charm, my best friend, happened to read my email and said, "Congrats! Not everyone gets invited to these auditions!"

Before I could even thank Charm, the girls around me read my email and were sheeting me their best wishes. Some girls got overexcited and broadcasted it to the whole class I got invited to the auditions. The boys were initially in denial but Charm grabbed my iPad and showed them the email. My teacher peered over their shoulders to ensure I wasn't lying. When she saw the email wasn't a scam, she congratulated me.

Heart swelling from the praises, I thanked everyone and promised to do my best.
Karen's POV
"We have ended lesson for today," my Maths lecturer announced. "Since we have 5 minutes left, I would like to make an announcement."

Sitting at the back seat, I could see everyone turning their heads around and whispering among themselves. Surely they must be wondering what the announcement is. I hope it's a good one...!

My Maths lecturer then took out an envelope. My heart started beating so fast my chest could burst the more I waited. He opened the envelope and read it. Tension built up as he kept a poker face while reading it a few times. Everyone started suspecting it was a grievous one if he had to read it so many times.

Another minute later, his face lit up while putting the letter back into the envelope. "KOH HUI EN KAREN! CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE BEEN INVITED TO AMAZE'S AUDITIONS!" He screamed.

Everyone gasped and then applauded unanimously. Hand in my mouth, I walked out to the front and received my envelope. Bringing it back to my seat, I opened it and squealed. Tears of happiness streamed down my face. I'm a step closer to becoming part of the next Hi-5!
Lia's POV
"Remember students, please finish your tutorial by next Tuesday, 2359. No submissions later than that," my lecturer instructed.

"Alright professor!" We chorused.

As the students filed out of the classroom, I checked my emails as a post-class ritual. I cleared the unnecessary YouTube notifications from all my dance covers. I was all ready to clear the next one when seeing the word "Amaze" immediately made me draw back from hitting the "delete" button.

I read on.

We are glad to inform you have been chosen to take part in the original cast auditions for Amaze. You will report for auditions on 12 March 2023 at Merlion Agency.

Before the auditions, you would be expected to attend a briefing on 28 February 2023. Failure to attend would lead to automatic disqualification from the auditions. Please prepare a song and dance item for the audition.

Looking forward to meeting you on 12 March.

Yours Sincerely,
Mr Pang
Founder of Amaze

Realising I have been accepted to the auditions indeed, I smiled to myself and punched my fist in the air...secretly, that was. I then hurriedly shut down and packed my things, all ready to rush over to Merlion Agency to see if Crystal got in too.
Mike's POV
"CUT!" The director yelled. "That's all for today! Good work everyone!"

"Thank you director!" All of us in the set chorused. I was filming another episode in a long-running TV drama series and we had finally finished the content we had to film for the day.

Heading to my manager's side, she patted my shoulder firmly and congratulated me for my good work, before passing an envelope to me. Waiting for everyone to leave, I politely asked to sit on one of the chairs on the set so I could read the letter. When I read the title, excitement rushed through me.

Jumping up and down the set, I screamed repeatedly, "YES! YES! I MADE IT TO AMAZE!"
Alex's POV
Unlocking my home door, I greeted in a flat tone, "I'm home..."

"Just in time, Alex!" My mum screamed. She threw an envelope across the living room.

Surprised why my mum would impulsively throw envelopes across the rooms, I gingerly opened it. I didn't bother asking her whether she peeped at it beforehand; she always reads letters for me beforehand. I don't hate it; she's just invading my privacy, that's all.

When I read the letter, I read it over and over. Was I really all set to get my first job in two years? I was in denial and asked my mum to read it (again). She read it and said, "Ya ya, it's true. Your manager also called me to say you got the job."

My face turned a tomato red because I was embarrassed by my mum's creepily supportive nature. Eventually, realising whatever I was reading was real, I smiled gently.
No one's POV
What's next for our prospective Amaze members? Keep reading to find out! Also, keep a lookout for the official original cast of Amaze!
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