Chapter 2

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Featured photo: Move Your Body (Hi-5, Series 1)
Crystal's POV
While stretching, I heard a scream from behind.

Realising my hands knocked into a man, I frantically apologised. He forgave me instantly and asked, "Wait, you're Crystal, right? The one that filled up the form to join Amaze?"

"Yes? Why?" I asked him back in doubt.

"The power of social media, dummy! You posted yourself lying on your bed in a funny position then took a selfie with the caption 'Applied to Amaze can't wait for the application email bc hdhcjdndjd.'"

"Ahhh, I remember something like that. What's your name, by the way? Never seen you before."

"Alex." He walked away after that, leaving me in confusion. Why would someone start talking to me and then just walk away?
Alex's POV
Hi, I am Alex. I just finished my National Service (NS) a few days ago and returned back to my pre-NS job - singing. I grew up with the full original cast. Nathan, Tim (Harding, not Maddren), Kathleen, Charli and Kellie. I was initially from Australia, just like everyone from  Hi-5. However, I had migrated to Singapore and got a citizenship there because I wanted even better prospects as a performer. I was 15 then.

I was inspired by Hi-5 to become a performer. Initially, I meddled around with different kinds of performing before sticking with singing because I felt more free than a pegasus singing songs and playing my electric guitar onstage. Yes, I do play guitar. I've been doing so since I was 8.

Let me tell you this, I am applying for Amaze under the segment Making Music. Music has always been my passion, my forte, even my best school subject. I was in the concert band in elementary school, then the choir in both Australia and Singapore. Both are music related, so I applied for that segment.

Sadly, I didn't have a choice. I only did it because my manager wanted me to integrate back into the performing world, so she threw me this opportunity. I was initially hesitant, but after reading Nathan's articles about his years in Hi-5, I bit the bullet and filled up the application form.

I wasn't going to tell Crystal I actually applied for Amaze, or tell anyone my real motives behind applying for the job.
(390 words)

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