Chapter 25

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Featured Photo: Body Move Series 1 Episode 3
Mike's POV

Huh, what was that noise from my phone? I reached my hand to my phone to investigate the source of the sound

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Huh, what was that noise from my phone? I reached my hand to my phone to investigate the source of the sound.

Oh...wait... my girlfriend Lia is calling me!! Picking it up, I excitedly answered the call...only to realise it was just a morning call to make sure I didn't oversleep.

Not wanting to disappoint my girlfriend, I jumped out of my bed, hurriedly getting ready and leaving my home without too much noise while my parents and sister were snoozing away.
Ethan's POV

Walking into Forum after a send-off by my nice dad, I happened to meet Crystal was eagerly waiting to me with a big haversack and equally big Gucci bags

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Walking into Forum after a send-off by my nice dad, I happened to meet Crystal was eagerly waiting to me with a big haversack and equally big Gucci bags. She greeted me and led me to the stage, where she introduced me to her coworkers properly. After the short introduction, we had bagels for breakfast before the necessary checks would be carried out. Believe it or not, even though it's only 7am and the thing starts at 11.

Tech rehearsals went first. I tested my wireless mic and the cast then tested their handheld and wireless mics as they had to change their mics midway for the song and dance segment. After tech checks, the crew changed into their costumes and did all their 9 songs as their final dress rehearsal.

Returning backstage, we were told to rest until 10:30 am (for me), where I would go for standby.

3 hours later:
Still Ethan's POV
"Amaze, thanks for your time," I thanked professionally. "It was a pleasure getting to know the four of you. Thank you for taking care of Crystal so far."

"Actually it's more of her taking care of us," Mike and Lia* chorused.

"That's excellent to hear. Now just watch me give Amaze the best introduction to the world!" I turned on my wireless mic and ran onstage, giving my advisory announcements for the audience, running back and forth when one of the members reminded me of the time interval.
Crystal's POV
Since Ethan's first advisory at 10.30am, we kept all of our stuff and practically stood there, with tension growing stronger by the minute. I feel like vomiting but nothing is coming out. I hope I'm just imagining things.

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