𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒:𝖦𝗈𝗈𝖽 𝖦𝗈𝖽

Start from the beginning

"Paul? What are you doing here?" Emmy questioned.

He just sat there in his own little world, the couple walked down a few more steps and flinched as he turned around quickly and looked at them.

"what are yous doing in my house?" He asked.

"this is our house, you fucking twat." John said walking down to the bottom and crouching down to his level.

"how much did you drink, fuck sake." Emmy said slightly chuckling at the state off him.

"i've been drinking all day long." Paul slurred, "you weren't drinking at the studio." John said.

The McCartney boy nodded, "yep. It wasn't tea." he laughed.

"how did you even get in here?" Emmy asked.

"with my magical powers." he said.

The blonde rolled her eyes, "i don't have time for this." she said.

"Paul get up." John said, they soon realised he was asleep.

"he can fuck off he can stay there, he ruined our moment." John said.

They both walked back to their room, Emmy went to the ensuite and brushed her teeth and put some moisturiser on.

After that she went and laid in bed as John went to brush his teeth.

A few minutes past and he came out and joined Emmy in bed, he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close.

"i love you so much." she said kissing his lips.

"i love you too, both of you." he replied.


SHE HAD GOTTEN to go to the toilet for who knew what time that night.

After she'd down her business as she was washing her hands, Em gasped loudly as she felt liquid rush down her leg.

Her mouth was agape and her hand slightly trembled, she looked down and saw a clear fluid on the floor.

"John!" she yelled, "John!" and he jolted awake, he got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom.

"my fucking water broke!" she cried.

"shit really?!" he shouted.

"yes!" she yelled.

He grabbed her and dragged her out the room, as they went down the stairs.

They notice how Paul was clearly woken up with the yelling and was sat on one of the step, looking at the couple.

"can i come?" he asked a tiny bit slurred.

"i don't care." John muttered going past him, Paul followed stumbling all over the place.

They all got in the car and John quickly drove to Royal Surrey County Hospital.

Emmy reached over and grabbed Paul's hand, she was terrified. She wasn't exactly sure what was going to happen when she got to the hospital.

Was she going to give birth straight away?

Was she going to have to wait?

God apparently contractions are the worst!

Those three thoughts just kept running through her head, and it was making her frightened.

She opened the window and let the cold air in, she felt too hot in the car.

Herself and Paul both jolted into the side, she forgot how shit of a driver John was.

"fuck sake! Are you trying to kill us?!" Paul shouted.

"shut the fuck up McCartney!" John yelled.

In the distance she could see the hospital coming into view, thankfully.

She sighed in relief, but she still shook from fear.

John stopped the car and helped get Emmy out, Paul got out by himself.

They got inside and John said, "my wife's water broke!"

'Wife?!' she thought to herself.

Paul furrowed his eyebrows and so did John after realising what he had said.

"come right this way." the nurse said, pulling them into the closet room.

"i'm just going to look, if that's ok?" the nurse asked, "yeah of course."

She took a look and said some stuff which Emmy didn't really pay attention too, but all she knew was that she was probably going to be a mother by the end of that day.

She had gotten changed into a hospital gown, Paul had passed out on one of the chairs and John sat at the side of her bed.

"you feeling ok?" he asked, "yeah just scared." she said.

"your going to be absolutely fine, love." he smiled.

He kissed her lips and rubbed her cheek gently.

"John...you realise earlier you called me your wife." she smiled.

He looked down, "yeah my mistake." he chuckled.

"would you ever make me your wife?" she asked.

"of course i would." John smiled.

"good, cause i'd let you be my husband." she kissed him softly.


They both turned and saw Paul wide awake with a camera in hand, "where...? Y'know what i don't even care anymore." John sighed.

Emmy laughed and leaned back in the hospital bed, "i quite like it here, i can't lie." Paul said.

"Paul just please kip." John said, "aw alright." he pouted and got comfortable in the chair.

John sat on the chair beside Paul and reached for the newspaper, Em just wanted to try get some sleep.


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