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"Keep him in check," I said as I hugged Bill and I felt him chuckle through his tears. We pulled away and he wiped his cheeks with his sleeve. "I'm serious!" I whisper-shouted and Bill laughed again.

"I'm going to miss you," He said as he pushed his bottom lip out. "I'm going to miss you more," I said nearly bursting into tears but I managed to control myself by taking a deep breath.

"Goodbye for now. Not forever." I assured him before bringing him into another quick hug and out of the corner of my eye I saw Tom hug Georg and Gustav. I pulled away from Bill and backed up so the other two could say their goodbyes.

I stepped over to Tom and just looking into his eyes made my heart hurt. "I'm sorry," I said to Tom as I brought him into a hug. "I just can't bring myself to leave Gustav," He rubbed my back softly and I could feel tears build in my eyes.

I feared for our relationship after the move. The distance was going to make things extremely difficult but I wasn't ready to leave my family behind. I didn't think things were serious enough for me to leave, not yet.

"It's okay, Liebe," He assured me just before we pulled away. "You know what they say. Distance makes the heart grow fonder." I let a few tears fall and he quickly wiped them with his thumbs.

"Absolutely no tears," He said with a pained smile. "You hear me?" I chuckled softly and nodded. I love how sweet he is and how he always manages to make me laugh.

"We'll call every single day, I promise." I nodded and my bottom lip quivered again so he pulled me into his chest again. "I have to go now, Liebe." He whispered and I nodded against his chest.

"I love you," He said quietly and I smiled through the tears. He brought his hand up to my red-hot cheeks and I rested my hand on his wrist. "I love you too," I whispered as I fought back more tears.

He removed his hand and I felt Gustav's arm wrap around my shoulders from behind me. I watched Tom walk away with Bill in front of him and I felt my heart break into a million little pieces.

I was so scared but I knew this was for the better. Once they were out of sight I turned around to sob into Gustav's chest and he rubbed my back softly. "You still have us," Georg said to try and comfort me.

"Yeah," I said wiping my tears. "And you guys have your girlfriends. Forever a fifth wheel." They chuckled softly and I put a pained smile on my face. "Let's get home," Gustav said before we started walking away.

I kept glancing back, hoping they would magically come back, but I knew it wouldn't happen. I wrapped my hand around Gustav's arm as we walked toward Georg's car. "At least I got to tell him I loved him,"

"You never needed to tell him," Georg said as we approached his car. I smiled at Georg's response as I climbed into the passenger seat. "He knew. Being loved by you is not something that goes unnoticed."


I tossed and turned trying to get to sleep, but couldn't. I tapped my phone to check the time. 3:21 am. I sighed and pulled the covers off before standing up, my feet hitting the ice-cold floor.

I walked over to the door and opened it before walking down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen and pulled a cola out of the fridge, the taste reminding me of Tom and making me smile.

Ever since they left I have been quite sad, even though I talk to both of them every day, it's not the same. I keep telling myself this is what's best for all of us.

Cola in hand, I walked down the long hallway to the music room and sat down in front of my keyboard, connecting my headphones so I wouldn't wake Gustav.

Sweet - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now