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It's been about a couple of months since I last spoke to Tom, but the media doesn't let me forget him as he's seen with a new girl at least once a week.

It's gotten to the point where I don't even bother clicking the articles anymore, save myself the ping in my chest and sinking in my stomach. I don't understand why it affects me so much because he and I have nothing going on.

"Do you need help?" I heard Gustav ask and I turned my head to see him standing in the doorway of what now was my old room.

"Uh, yeah, could you just grab these boxes?" I said as I pointed to two stacked boxes on the floor and he nodded before walking over to pick them up.

Gustav and I thought it was time for us to grow up ourselves and move out of our parent's house so we decided to share a quite big apartment not too far away from our parents' house.

I looked around my room one last time and softly smiled. I kept everything pretty much the same, only taking my clothes and other important stuff with me. Gustav did the same in his room. I think it'll be nice when our parents start to miss us being able to see our rooms untouched.

I stepped out of my room and began walking down the stairs to see my parents hugging Gustav. My dad noticed me and motioned me to come join them which I did.

"My babies aren't babies anymore," Our mother said before sniffling and we pulled away. "We are so proud of you two. If you ever need anything from us, we'll be here. You two will always have each other." We smiled at our parents and heard someone step through the opened front door.

"Truck is all packed, Miss Charlotte. Should we start heading to the apartment?" One of the movers asked and I turned my head before nodding. "Yes, we will meet you there," I said with a smile and turned to my parents again.

"I love you, guys. Thank you for everything." I said before giving them one last quick hug and Gustav did the same. We waved goodbye and I felt my heart hurt as I saw my mom begin to sob.

"We're only moving twenty minutes away, imagine if it was to another country," Gustav said after we shut the door and I chuckled softly at his attempt to lighten the mood. "I know, right."

"I'll see you at the apartment," He said before getting into his car and I sent him a smile before getting into mine. I took a deep breath and started my car before pulling off following behind Gustav.

I began receiving a call and answered it with my Bluetooth figuring it was my mom saying we forgot something. "Charlotte," It wasn't my mom, it was Tom.

"Tom?" I asked sort of forgetting what his voice sounded like and how calming it was. "Hey, uh," He paused for a couple of seconds. "I miss you." There was the Tom with no filter that I was too familiar with.

"Mhm," I said not believing him. "Go tell that to one of your arm candies," I said before reaching for the button to hang up. "Letty," I stopped right before I pushed down. The nickname Letty had the same effect on me that I knew Tommy had an effect on him. No one called me that except Tom.

"I miss you." He emphasized the 'you' and I felt my heart flutter, but quickly ignored the feeling. "Sure, Tom."

"Gustav tells me you guys moving into your new apartment today," He said ignoring my comment and I rolled my eyes. "Bill and I would love to come help unpack."

I could see his smile through the phone because he knew Bill was my weakness, and how much I missed seeing my best friend. "Fine," I said giving in. "I'll send you the address," I said quickly before hanging up.

I wanted to bang my head off the steering wheel for giving in so easily. I quickly sent him a message with the address and continued to focus on the road ahead of me.

Sweet - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now