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a/n: DOUBLE UPDATE?? WHAT?? yet another chapter that has smut lol once again i'll give a warning before it starts and after. please skip if it makes you uncomfortable.

Charlotte's POV

Today was an off day for Tom and I could see it in his face. Very rarely does he feel sad or upset, but today was just one of those days. I was sure to give him as much space as he needed, but it was an interview day so we'll see how that goes.

"Hey, guys!" The interviewer exclaimed as we all sat down on the couch and we said hello back. "Tour starts next month. Are you guys excited?"

"Very much so," Bill started. "We have so many things planned for our shows and we can't wait to meet more fans!" The interviewer smiled.

"You guys are moving to America after the tour is over, correct?" The interviewer asked and Bill nodded. "Yes, to Los Angeles. Just Tom and I. Gustav and Georg both want to stay here with their girlfriends."

"What about you, Charlotte? Don't you want to be with Tom?" Bill passed me the microphone and I grabbed it with the hand that wasn't holding Tom's hand.

"Of course, I want to be with Tom, as always, but my family is here." I paused. "I know how much of a sacrifice the twins are making by leaving their family to protect them, but I don't see the point in leaving myself if I don't have to."

"I understand, but aren't you worried the stalkers will find you?" I nodded. "Always, and I hate it. No one wants to live in fear. I've only had a couple of encounters with them and the most recent ended in a threat, but things have seemed to die down."

"Wouldn't it be better to nip it in the bud and get out while you still can?" The interviewer asked. "I suppose you're right in a way, but I want to stay in Germany with Gustav for as long as I can. Gus and I have been by each other's side our whole lives and I can't even begin to imagine being that far away from him." The interviewer nodded.

"How have things been for you two since the encounters?" I handed the microphone to Tom who grabbed it and passed it to Bill immediately. "Scary. We have been bouncing from hotel to hotel so they can't find us. We had to move our mother and we've been trying our best to stay clear. Very rarely do we go out in public without a bodyguard."

"Tom," The interviewer looked over at Tom. "How have you felt since the night of the assault?" Bill glanced over at Tom who didn't even make eye contact with anyone, just stared at the floor or his hand.

I brought my other hand to hold his hand between both of mine. "He feels extremely guilty. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt someone." Bill answered for him before pausing. "People don't treat us like we're human. I wish it didn't have to be this way, but I guess that's the risk you take choosing this profession."

There was a moment of silence before the interviewer spoke again. "I believe I asked Tom," He said and you could tell he was trying to be as nice as possible, but it still pissed me off.

"Excuse me," I said quite loudly and the interviewer quickly told the crew to stop filming. Lucky for them this was a private interview and it wasn't live. "Don't talk to him like that. I don't give a fuck who you asked. The question still got answered, didn't it?"

"Woah, there," The interviewer said with a chuckle. "Calm down." Bill's eyes widened as he turned to look at me and I went to stand up, but Tom put his arm out to stop me.

"Don't tell her to calm down," Tom spoke for the first time in the interview. "And watch your tone." The interviewer began chuckling again.

"We're done here," I said as I stood up, knowing this could get really ugly pretty fast. I still held onto Tom's hand as I reached out for Bill's shoulder with my free hand and gently pushed him in front of me.

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