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"Welcome, lady and gentlemen!" The interview cheered as we found our spots on the couch. I sat in between Tom and Georg with Gustav and Bill on the ends.

"How are you guys feeling today?" We all took our turns answering the question. "How is the upcoming album coming along?"

"Good. We've been working in the studio pretty much any free chance we get and practicing when we're not in the studio." Tom answered and the interviewer nodded, his eyes focused on Tom's neck.

"Gee, Tom, looks like you were quite busy last night." I leaned forward to turn to look at his neck and my eyes widened. "Yeah, Tom!" I said sarcastically as I leaned back into the couch. "You too, Charlotte?" Shit, I forgot! I nervously laughed and slumped back even more into the couch.

"Anyways," The interviewer broke the silence. "We had some questions from the fans that we'd like to ask you guys." We all nodded excitedly as we always loved answering questions from our fans.

"Question one. What is one thing you are never seen without?" We thought for a second before answering. "Tom," Bill answered. "I was going to say a girl, but Bill works too," Tom said which earned a laugh from everyone. "My necklace," I said as I grabbed the sun pendant off my chest. "Does that have any meaning, Charlotte?"

"Yeah, my grandma used to call me her sunshine. She used to sing me that lullaby, you know which one I'm talking about, whenever I was sad or upset. She gave this to me for my sixth birthday and the only time I've taken it off was to replace the chain."

I paused. "She passed a few days later." The room started to feel heavy after I said that and I felt awful for ruining the vibes. "So sorry to hear that, Charlotte."

I nodded quickly before reaching down to play with the bottom of my sweatshirt. I saw Tom stretch beside me and place his arm on the couch behind me before resting his hand on my shoulder.

I smiled at his touch as Georg and Gustav answered the question themselves. I looked over at Tom who was looking at the interviewer as he asked the next question.

Sometimes, at moments like these, I believe my feelings for Tom have changed, but I don't think I would ever be able to tell him that. I'd make myself look like a fool.


Tom's POV

"I'm stopping at a gas station," I said to Bill who I was on the phone with. "Do you want or need anything?" I finished and heard him hum as he thought about his response.

"Twizzlers, please!" He said excitedly which made me chuckle. "Alright, I'll see you soon," I said before hanging up the phone, and not even a minute later I received a message, I figured it was Bill asking for something else.

I quickly pulled in front of a gas pump and looked down at my phone, it wasn't Bill, it was Charlotte.

Charlotte ☀️ 14 min ago

hey! you forgot your cap here the other night lol i figured you felt naked without it. also here's a little something for you 🙂

Charlotte ☀️ 13 min ago

Sent a video

I smiled at my phone before clicking on the video she sent me. I immediately licked my lips at the sight of her showering, her wet hair dripping as she goofed around just to tease me.

It's like she knows how obsessed I am with her body. Her smile alone did it for me. She is just so beautiful, it's beyond me.

I jumped when I heard banging on the window and turned my head quickly to see two, what I assume fans. I tried to clear the video off my phone without looking at it. I grew irritated quickly at how obnoxious they were being and rolled down my window slightly.

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