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"So, what are your plans later?" Felix asked as we both sat down on the couch in the basement. "Tom and Bill turned eighteen today, so we're going out to a club tonight. That's why I can only hang out with you until then." He nodded in response.

"Do you go out often?" He asked and I shrugged. "Not really. Gustav doesn't want to go out with me and since Georg has gotten a girlfriend he's been spending his time with her. I'm not mad about it or anything. Now since Bill is old enough I'm sure he and I will be going out a lot." I said with a smile and Felix nodded. "I still have to figure out what I'm going to wear."

"Want me to help you?" He asked excitedly and I chuckled at his enthusiasm. "Uh, sure," I said as I stood up to head towards the steps. He followed me up both flights of stairs and we reached the hallway.

"Hey, Felix," Gustav said as he passed us to get to the bathroom. "Hey, Gus," Felix said before the bathroom door closed. I walked into my bedroom and immediately sat down on the bed. He closed the door behind him.

"Have at it," I said as I pointed to my closet and dresser. I watched as he went through my closet slowly pulling out some things and putting them back. "How slutty are you feeling?" He asked in a serious manner and I started laughing. "I'm serious."

I forgot how nice it was to have friends outside of the band, even if said friend definitely wants to fuck me. "Very," I answered and he smiled before pulling out two dresses and setting them down on the bed next to me.

"Black or red?" He said as he motioned his hand out to the options. I stared down at the two form-fitting dresses sitting on the bed next to me. The red one was strapless and the black one was silky.

"Hmm," I said as I put my finger up to my chin to pretend like I was thinking hard. "I'm thinking black." He smiled at my answer and grabbed the red one before turning around to put it back. "Put that on while I pick out some shoes for you."

He got on his knees as he faced the closet to search for some shoes and I quickly pulled the dress off the hanger before pulling my t-shirt off and pulling the dress over my head. I swiftly pulled my shorts down while simultaneously pulling the dress down with it.

Felix slowly stood up and turned around with a pair of black heels with straps in his hands. His jaw swung open slightly as he looked at me. I think this is the first time Felix has seen me in something other than casual clothes in person.

"Wow," He said softly and I felt my cheeks get warm. "You look so beautiful." I smiled at his comment and grabbed the shoes from his hands. "I'm so not used to wearing heels," I said as I sat back down on the bed to put them on. "But this is a special occasion."

I stood up once so I finished putting them on and looked at myself in the mirror that was on my closet door. "Not too bad," I said as I nodded my head proudly.

"Not too bad? You look amazing." Felix replied and I playfully rolled my eyes before taking the heels back off. "Thank you," I said shyly as I tossed them on the floor and he smiled. "Of course," I sat back down on the bed and he came over to sit next to me.

"Hard to believe I'll be twenty next month," I said with a chuckle. "I swear it was just yesterday that I met the twins when I was fourteen." I smiled thinking about how successful we've become over the past six years together.

"I am so proud of you," He said as he reached for my hand. "I can't wait to see what else you guys have going for you in the future."

"I know, me too," I said with a smile and it was silent for a moment. "So, uh, anyone special in your life?" He asked and my eyes widened a little at the question. "Nope, still single as ever," I said with a small laugh.

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