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It's been almost a full day since Tom has come back to the house, but Georg let us know this morning that he stayed with him so my nerves were slightly eased. I am still worried though. I always worry when the twins go out in public without bodyguards.

We had just finished eating dinner and we were watching a movie in the living room. I sat in between Bill and Gustav, leaning my head on Bill's shoulder.

I was so exhausted. I didn't get any sleep last night, I was either crying or worried about Tom. I felt myself drifting off to sleep on Bill's shoulder.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and pulled it out quickly. I rolled my eyes at the message and showed Bill. "Maybe he's ready to talk," Bill said.

Tommy ❤️‍🩹 2 min ago
i know you're mad at me, but i really want to talk to you about this. meet me at the park by your house in five mins?

I sighed and stood up before grabbing my keys and walking over to the door. I said my quick goodbyes to Gustav and Bill before opening the door. I walked to my car before getting in and starting it.

The sky was pretty dark and they were calling for a thunderstorm so he better make this quick. I pulled up next to his car and looked over to see he wasn't in there. I looked around before getting out of the car and saw him leaning against a railing that overlooked the river.

I could tell it was him from the way he was standing. I sighed before opening the car door and climbing out. I walked slowly over to him and he turned around when he heard my footsteps. He had his hoodie up and a beanie underneath it.

"Hey," He said with a smile and I crossed my arms. "Hey," I said quietly as I stood a couple of feet away from him.

"Why did you want me to come here?" I asked as a breeze blew by and I squeezed my crossed arms closer to my body.

"I thought about what you said to me. I have to come to terms with my feelings for you-" I cut him off by putting my hand up.

"Feelings for me? So you admit it?" I reiterated, genuinely surprised that Tom was able to admit to having feelings for anyone.

"I thought you just wanted to fuck me," I said honestly and he chuckled before shaking his head softly. "I seriously thought that's all you wanted. From day one that was what I thought. Every single day you would look at me like you were studying my body and trying to figure out what position you wanted me in the most." I said trying to be serious but I ended up laughing nervously.

"Of course, I wanted to fuck you! Who wouldn't? Look at you." He motioned his hands out to me. "But it's more than that to me. I tried so hard to get over my feelings for you, but no one comes close to you. None of those girls mean anything to me, they were nothing but placeholders. Eight years later and you are still by far the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes on, inside and out."

"Why wouldn't you tell me all this when I needed to hear it the most?" My voice cracked and I could tell he felt guilty. "I wasn't ready to grow up and accept my feelings. You stuck by me through all of this. I have to make a big change in my lifestyle for you." I wanted to be angry with him so much.

No matter how good I feel underneath him and no matter how happy he makes me, it's not worth it. It's not fair that he gets to go around flirting with a bunch of girls, but the second a guy even steps within a foot of me, he gets really possessive.

I can't stand it. He drives me crazy with his inconsistencies. I don't believe that he's ready to be committed to one person. "Prove it."

Once he finally got close enough to my face that I could feel his heat he pulled down his hoodie while simultaneously taking off the beanie, exposing the black braids at the back of his neck.

Sweet - Tom Kaulitzजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें