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We all sat patiently waiting for instructions from the photographers and our manager. The photoshoot involved us stuffing into the back of a van which I wasn't too excited about, but there's nothing I love more than photo shoots.

Throughout the day there was still obvious tension between me and Tom. I wanted to say something about it, but part of me thought I was being delusional and there wasn't actually any tension. It wasn't bad tension necessarily, just felt like there was something going on.

"You okay?" Georg asked me as he walked up to me. I lifted my head up and hummed in response. "Oh, yeah," I said. "Just tired. It has been a long day of being cramped in a van with you four."

"Just wait until we start touring," Georg said before laughing and I rolled my eyes. "Don't even get me started." Tom and Bill we currently doing solo photo shoots and some together. Gustav was at the snack table eating while Georg and I were now sitting off to the side.

"How's that thing going with Felix?" I started chuckling as I looked over at him. "There is no 'thing'. We both know it would never work out." I answered him and he put his hands up in defense. "Hey, I was just asking." I frowned when I realized how snippy I may have made it sound. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap. Just got a lot going on right now." He softly smiled and wrapped an arm around me to bring me into a hug.

"Don't we all," He said as he squeezed me tight. Once he let go I smiled at him and looked back over at the twins. Tom was staring directly at me without even trying to hide it. Bill nudged his arm to get him to refocus and he did as so.

"Everything alright between you two?" Georg asked after he took notice of the stare-down. "I feel like he's always judging me, like not in a mean way," I said and Georg started laughing softly. "That's one way to put it." He snickered and I cocked my head in his direction.  "What do you mean by that?" I asked and Georg began shaking his head while still laughing.

"Georg!" The photographer yelled in our direction and violently motioned him to come over. Georg shrugged his shoulders at me and jogged over to the photographer. Bill and Tom slowly made their way over in my direction and I pulled my phone out to avoid interaction. I smiled at the message I had on my screen.

I hope life as a rockstar is treating you right :)

"What are you smiling at?" Tom teased as he approached me and reached for my phone. I whipped my hand back so he couldn't grab it and he sucked his teeth. "In what world is it ever okay for you to snatch my phone?" I said in an annoyed tone and he took notice. "I was just fucking with you," He said defensively. "Remind me to never do that again."

I set my phone down in my chair and glared at him. I so badly wanted to pull him to the side and ask him what the actual fuck his problem was, but hearing Bill's voice brushed the thoughts away. "You didn't hear him? He wants you and Gus now." Bill said calmly as he rested his hand on my arm and I sent him a small smile. "Thank you," I started. "I was just in my head." I sent Tom a glare quickly before joining my brother in front of the cameras.

Tom's POV

"What did you say to her?" Bill asked me once Charlotte walked away. "Nothing," I said defensively. "I asked what she was smiling at on her phone. I didn't mean to make her mad." Bill rolled his eyes at my response. "And?" He motioned for me to go on, knowing there was more to the story than what I was saying. "I may or may not have tried to grab her phone," I said as I put my hand on the back of my neck and he rolled his eyes again before walking over to the snack table where Georg was.

I continued to stand there as I watched Charlotte and Gustav take their photos. She was so photogenic, and I can't imagine any of those photos turning out bad, and if they did, it was because Gustav was in them. They split off from each other and did their solos. I turned my head around when I heard a phone ding. I walked over to Charlotte's chair and looked at her lock screen.

Sweet - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now