I'm Terrified Of Rejection But I Get High Off Attention(27)

Start from the beginning

Joe noticed how Johnny kept holding his phone in a secretive way. "Are you ok there?"

"Me? Yes."

"Why do you keep staring at your phone like that? You'll give yourself a headache if you aren't careful."

"I know..."

S: Ok. I'm on my way. x

J: Sweet! xx

Johnny added two kisses this time.

"Johnny, Buck and I noticed you and Shania earlier..." Johnny slammed his phone back down and stared at Chris quizzically, trying to guess what he was going to say before he said it. "...The two of you seemed pretty close..."

"I wouldn't say so. She's only young and stuff, I wouldn't want to come off as strange. I only spoke to her because her little hands were sore after all that playing earlier. I didn't want her to hurt herself so I used my own hands to warm them up..."

"She blushed." Joe added. "She was blushing like you made her heart skip 8 beats at one."

"I wouldn't say so-" As he spoke his voice broke a little which only made it more awkward. "Erm... Maybe she's just a little emotional or something, girls have hot flushes and stuff... maybe when I warmed her hands up I warmed her whole body up for no reason-"

"...You definitely warmed something up..." Chris joked quietly under his breath.

Johnny heard what Chris said and didn't like it, "What are you suggesting, Chris?" He shouted. Some other customers in the lobby turned to see what was going on.

"Woah, man. I wasn't suggesting-"

"Yes, you were. Don't you dare make those kinds of jokes about Shania again, do you understand?!?"

"Yeah, man, I didn't even mean-"

"It's alright, Chris. Johnny has clearly drank too much rum for tonight." Alice defended Chris. Alice stood up and grabbed Johnny by his jacket, lifted him up and walked him outside. "Man, what's wrong with you?"

"He meant what he said..."

"Does it really matter? Johnny, it was beyond obvious how close you two were by the end of todays rehearsals. You told her right?"

"No... Chris came out and told us to get back inside right when I plucked up the courage to tell her. I' actually inviting her here tonight, but please don't tell anyone."

"What? To your room? Did you get protection just in case-"

"No, man, not for sex. I just wanted to get her alone so I could tell her in my own time."

"Oh, ok. Does she know that?"

"I think so. I never said anything to make her assume anything otherwise." As he said that, Shy drove into the hotel car park and parked her car.

"Ooh, that might be her. I'll do you a favour and get rid of the others for you." Alice told him. "Give me 5 minutes at least."

"Alright. Thanks, man."

"No worries." Alice walked back inside and tried his best to round the boys up while Shy parked her car.

Johnny lit a blunt and waited in a shady area near the door to the lobby for Shy. She saw him as soon as she locked her car and wandered across the carpark to him. She looked quite innocently cute in her little black dress, black boots and a khaki green hooded coat. "Hey, Mr Depp."

"Since it's outside of work hours, just call me Johnny." He said half joking. He looked Shy up and down and smiled at her.

"Fine. Hey, Johnny. I didn't know what to wear so I just put on a black dress and some boots."

"You look very nice. I'm here dressed like an absolute slob in some patchy jeans, Nikes and a smelly old jacket."

"I wouldn't call it slobby. You look very you and I like you- I mean it." Shy awkwardly smiled and looked down at the floor.

Johnny's phone buzzed. It was a text from Alice letting him know him and the others were gone from the lobby. 

A: We're all gone.

Johnny wanted a extra few moments of smoking time, but he could tell Shy was cold. Johnny dropped his blunt into his pocket so he could get away with having it inside the lobby and elevator and took Shy by the hand and took her inside where she instantly warmed up. "Let's go straight to my room." Johnny walked Shy straight past the blue and yellow lobby walked her into the nearest empty elevator. He pressed the button with the 9 on it and the doors closed. The lift, much like the lobby, had the same royal blue and yellow gold colour scheme.

"This place is so lovely."

"Yeah. It costed a pretty penny, but since we'll be here a while I thought it'd be worth it..."

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