Everyone welcomed Jennie. She never let go of Lisa's hand while entertaining their visitors.

After dinner, she was so talkative about how proud she is of Lisa's achievements. She said that she always believed on her. Jennie became too emotional remembering what she did to Lisa before and was even too vocal to share to everyone how she regret pushing the divorce through.

Lisa was just there behind her, wrapping her with a warm embrace to comfort her.

"Hey. Don't be too hard on yourself now, Jen. You just got out and let's have a brand new life. From now on, do whatever that makes you happy. But promise me it won't eat you whole again. Ok? I don't want you to get stressed like before. Please, no more burnouts for you." Lisa told her.

She kept thanking Lisa over and over again.

The visitors are gone and Jisoo is still having a drink with Lisa.
Jennie took care of her son until he falls asleep.

"Looks like you're getting married to each other again, huh?" Jisoo said while they're drinking wine.

Lisa smirked.

"You're really sure about that, Jisoo." Lisa said while staring on the beautiful view at the backyard.

"Why? Don't you love her anymore? Maybe she has changed." Jisoo asked.

"Love. If only love is the basis, I would marry Jennie every single day. But it has become the scariest part of life for me. You know what I have been through. Now, you may see us so happy. I wish to believe that she is really better after the rehab. But who knows what's going to happen next? What if another hurricane comes circling around this home and she decides to leave me again? What if I let myself fall deeper and just get hurt in the end for another round? We know I am still in love with her so fucking much.

I am just controlling my heart not to commit to her again. She's venomous." Lisa explained.

"Venomous?" Jisoo wants clarity.

"Jennie stings like a million bees. She's the sweetest. But her bite's going to get you suffering until you're numb and dumb.

But she is not a difficult person to love.

It's just so difficult to be married to her and you are clueless of what's going to happen tomorrow.

You know what I mean? I am not sure of what's next and that scares the hell out of me.

Remember? One day, she was so in love with me. The next morning I woke up, she wanted divorce. I am only human, Jisoo. I can't take another pain again. I'll go crazy.

And I can't be crazy because I have a son to love with all my heart. Aki is Jennie and I's product of love and he's all I have. Aki is the only family left for me. He is my treasure. We share blood. He deserves all the good things. And as long as I am living, I dedicate my life to him. I will do everything to give him a great life.

So, tell me if I should let myself be consumed by Jennie again or not."
Lisa didn't notice her tears.

Jisoo just took a deep breath and they continued drinking.

When she left, Lisa knocked on Jennie's room. She opened it right away.

Lisa felt so hot upon seeing her ex on her sleeping dress.

"I- I just. Uhm. I just want to say good night. I'm going home." Lisa is stuttering.

"Isn't it late? Why don't you sleep here? This is your house. And Lisa you drank too much wine." Jennie is worried.

"I can still drive." She said and smiled.

"Please? You want to sleep here with me? Or maybe let's sleep at Aki's room? Or I'll prepare your room?" Lisa was impressed of Jennie's offer.

She realized that Jennie considers more than one thought compared before. She's not too pushy of just one decision.

Lisa is just smiling.
Jennie took off Lisa's coat and removed her shoes.

"I have clothes in the other room. I'll just take a bath and sleep there." Lisa said.

"I'll get your sleeping clothes. Take a bath here in my room and I'll give you a head massage later." Jennie offered.

After Lisa took a shower, Jennie helped her put on her clothes. The wine had a huge alcohol content that made Lisa drunk. But drunk Lisa can still slightly manage herself.

They both settled under the sheets. Lisa's head on Jennie's lap while getting a massage from her ex-wife was so unreal to her. But this makes her so confused.

Is Jennie trying to win her back? Then will hurt her again? Poor Lisa. Her heart is trembling in so much fear.

But Jennie's massage on her forehead relaxed her chest somehow.

She didn't even realize that she's already rubbing Jennie's thigh, too.

"I missed you. I missed this a lot. Living with you in one house makes me feel so alive, Lis. You are making me feel what life is all about. I am sorry for everything I did. If only I can turn back time, I would be the best wife for you.

And if you'll give me a chance again, I promise to be with you through good times and the bad and won't ever leave you again.

I know myself now. And I will mo longer let my thoughts destroy us. I won't give up on us anymore as long as you want me in your life.

I think I'm full of words right now. But let me prove each day that I am so much better now. I will let you realize that. I'll keep on trying to be a better partner.

I love you, Lisa." Jennie wiped her tears.

It was too emotional. Too emotional that it led her to kiss Lisa's lips.

She kissed her gently with a light bite on Lisa's lower lip.

Lisa wanted it so much too that she lifted her body, brought herself on top of Jennie. And as her tongue goes inside to taste Jennie's cherry kisses, she forgot that they are no longer married.

They kissed more. Those hungry kisses as if they are both first time lovers. And more than the car kisses when she used to visit her at the rehab.

Their body rubs like they wanted to be stuck to each other for so long.

Until they needed some air.

"You want to make love with me?" Jennie whispered while caressing Lisa's face.

Lisa just smiled at her but with tear falling on her face. She spooned Jennie and whispered,
"I want to cuddle. I missed your scent while in bed. Let's talk about us and your film school tomorrow. You need to take a rest, too."

And they fell asleep soundly while Lisa wraps her arms around Jennie like she's just hers.

No more words, just their breaths synchronizing in a silent and comfy night.

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