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A few days passed after your little incidents with Obanai and Misturi. And the time you had with your ex husband. He even offered to watch Kuni for awhile so you can get some rest.

Maybe I should start back training the newbies, can't let my personal affairs stop my progress and others. But it is weird that all demon activity just randomly stopped.

You sat there in your futon in thought. Could this be the calm before the storm?

"It's been a month since I even helped train, I was stuck helping Uzui in that department anyways." You said out loud.

"Do you always talk out loud to yourself?" A voice interrupted your peace.

"Huh! Well do you always sneak into other's homes without permission?" You said in an annoyed tone as the figure moved closer to you revealing the culprit.

"I came to inform you that you have a night patrols with me tomorrow ." The silky voice said.

"And why would master think it was a good idea to partner me up with you!?" You yelled internally.

"He explained how close we've gotten lately." He said disgustingly.

"Close...close what does Master mean by that!? Oh no is he trying to play matchmaker again!?" You panicked cried as the male stared at you in disbelief.

"You're quite annoying!" He grabbed your face and squeeze your cheeks to silence you.

Ow Ow Ow This asshole!.

You tried squirming out of his iron grasp and when that didn't work you started attacking him. With a sigh he finally let's go of you.

"What was the big idea snake bo-" He cut off your words with his lips. That's right his lips were on top of yours and you weren't going to lie it felt nice.

"You talk too much that it's annoying but for some reason my body has been craving yours more than it should.." He says huskily in your ear pushing you down on the bed that you were just sitting on before he showed up.

"Obanai what the hell you can't just come barging in demanding my body like that!?" You exclaimed.

"Oh can't I?" He kissed you again while caressing your body gaining a few moans from you. "I know you're touched starved and I know your craving me too." He said confidently.

This is wrong..I was supposed to be giving Uzui another chance

He kissed and rubbed your body more causing you more turmoil.

"Obanai we can't-

"Seems like a very unflashy snake has wrapped himself around my woman!" A familiar voice boomed causing you to go stiff.

Oh fuck! What will happen...

Obanai slowly gets off of you and walks towards the man with the towering build.

"Your woman huh? I think I'll take her off your hands." He sneered as his snake hissed.

Was the snake always there..? I'm getting off track

"No can do you unflashy slithering pissant she's mine." Uzui sneered back.

"Oh but I had the wonderful opportunity of making her moan my name. And might I add she gives amazing blowj-


"That's enough Obanai you should leave! Now!" You yelled angrily while rubbing your hand. He looked at you in shock and then walked out without a single word.

"Now that was a flashy slap!" Tengen chuckled as he grabbed your hand and caressed it. "But really I had it under control." He said looking into your (e/c) eyes.

"You're not mad?" You whimpered as he put pressure onto your hand.

"Oh I'm very livid. So flamboyantly so. But what can I do it's not your fault that I messed up with you." He smiles sadly.

"I..I wanted to tell you that I'm willing to give this another try. Snake boy I mean Obanai didn't like that idea of me not being his toy." You said hugging yourself for comfort.

That just all felt so wrong if Tengen didn't show up would I have...

"(Y/n) I'm here, I'll always protect you." Tengen said softly trying to calm you.

"Why..?" You whimpered out as he pulled you into a loving embrace.

"Because you'll always be my flashy stubborn wife." He says causing you to chuckle a little.

"Thanks Uzui, I mean it. Could you possibly stay the night."

"I was planning on it." He kissed your forehead.

"Oh what about night patrols!? I couldn't possibly be alone with that snake anymore." You said angrily.

"I'll ask master to find you a replacement so don't worry you flamboyant little head, rest now." He cooed as you laid into his embrace. You finally fell asleep in his arms causing him to relax.            

Unbeknownst to you Tengen was planning on murdering a certain someone.

"What a troublesome woman actually making me jealous." Tengen said out loud to know one in particular.

I guess we both say our thoughts out loud huh

Yep there you were half awake listening to Tengen babble to himself. You being the tired woman that you were decided to ignore it and get some more rest.

"Go to sleep Uzui, either that or stop being so loud." You grumbled.

"Sorry my sweet, let's sleep then." He said as he spooned your body into his.


Yo Author-Chan here hiya my lovelies!

Thanks for putting up with me and my shitty writing 😂

Make sure you guys check out the other half finished stories on my page if ya want!

Don't forget to like, comment, and follow!

Until next time! XoXo

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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