Newly Weds

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"You're all worms and should bow down to me as your god!" A masculine boy with white hair and fuchsia eyes told my family.

"Uzui you can't talk to your wife to be like that!" Someone you assume was his guardian said.

"I don't even want to marry her look at her she's cowering in fear of my greatness!" He laughs at his own jokes.

You chuckled which causes his attention to shift back towards you.

"You? A god? Don't make me laugh! If anything you should bow down to me! I'm obviously more powerful than you. Oh ho ho ho." You laughed maliciously.

"(Y/n) watch your mouth young lady!" Your father ordered harshly.

"But he started it!" You yelled angrily.


There was a pain starting to spread in your left cheek. You were too stunned to speak. You saw his hand come down at your face again and closed your eyes.

But there was no sudden pain again you opened your eyes and they widen at the sight of the obnoxious boy grabbing your father's arm that was inches away from your face.

"That's enough. Hitting women isn't flashy at all!" Tengen said tightening the grip on your father's arm.

Wow he really stood up to father for me

"Now. Now let's settle down." The guardian of Tengen looked at my father sternly as Tengen let go of his arm.

"Trash." Tengen muttered under his breath as he left the room to let the grownups discuss business.

You decided to follow him. You rushed out behind him leaving that boring room and into the chill breeze of outside air.

"Tengen." You said lightly

"Tengen-sama, I am your god remember?" He said matter of factly.

Suck it up (Y/n) he did just save you. Ugh.

"Tengen-sama.." You said slightly annoyed this time.

"Good very good! What is it my faithful follower." He said confidently as if he could solve all the problems of the world.

"Thank you. Y'know for earlier, for sticking up for me." You thanked him shyly.

"Oh that was nothing. It isn't very flashy to have marks on a pretty face like yours." He says seriously.

"You..think I'm pretty." You said while blushing profusely.

He might not be as bad as I first thought.

"Not as flamboyant and pretty as my other wives but you'll do." He said proudly.

And there goes that thought. Seriously how can someone like him have women like him willingly. I mean he isn't hard to look at but other than that he's an ass!

"Ass." You mummered under your breath.

"I heard that! Not flamboyant at all. You do realize I use the breath of sound right? Meaning I. Hear. Everything! My flashy ears can pick up even the slightest of sound." He boasted.

That's it I cant do it anymore, Yup I'm killing him!

"Heaven's breathing: First Form, Judgement." You said as a pearl white katana appeared in your hand. You prepare yourself as you lunged towards his defenseless state.

This is it!

You thought as you swung the katana down only to be stopped with his bare hands.

This guy is insane! He has to be.

Taken by surprise you let your guard down and he punched you in your gut sending you flying into some nearby trees.

Oh jeez he just had to be annoying and strong!

You huffed and got back up on you feet. You seen him dash to you with inhuman speed and you readied yourself for the worst as you held up your katana to block.

He was out of sight for the longest. You scanned the wooded area you were in with no signs of him anywhere.


You jumped and dropped your sword from his surprise attack. This was a sign for him to pin you to the tree and move his mouth to your ear.

"I am your god now." He whispered in your ear a little to closely.

Feeling the air from his mouth brush against your ear you blushed. You dropped to your knees in defeat.

Is this guy a sadist!???? Wait a minute

"I thought you said hitting women isn't flashy!" You said angrily as he let go of you finally.

"Showing your woman whose in charge is flashier. I like your spunk you pass!" He chuckled a hearty chuckle.

"Like hell I did!? I don't want to spend another minute with you." You stammered angrily.

"Ass?" He finished for you giving you a closed eye smile.

Jeez if he wasn't such an ass he would be perfect.

"(Y/n) there you are. You will be living with the Tengens for now on. Dont make it hard for them." My dad said happily.

"Damn scary bastard!" I heard Tengan muttered. He really disliked my father, I dont blame him.

I dont want to live with him..but It probably would be better than living with my father. I tend to get beat and called useless everyday just because I wasn't the boy my dad wanted. It doesnt help that my mom passed away a year after she had me. Guess this is my life.

"Yes sir." You sighed to your dad.

With that you grabbed your belongings which was your weapons and clothing and headed off with Tengan and his Guardian.

"Took you long enough (Y/n). If you want to show your worth the Tengan name you have to have more flamboyance." Tengen stared at me and was lost in thought. His fuschia eyes glowed bright as an idea came to mind.

"When we get home I'll have a tailor come and make you more flashier clothes. Fit of being Tengen Uzui's wife." He chuckled to himself feeling proud of his own words.

But I like my clothes...whatever I'm just a tool used for my father anyways. Might as well be a doll he can just dress up however he wants I guess.

".." You said nothing and just stared out the window getting lost in thought once again as Tengan rambled about how flashy he is.

Flashy Lovers (Tengen Uzui X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now