Pervert x3

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Your pov

This standing in the white void you were beginning to become oh so familiar with, you tried to think of ways to escape. You witness it all being kicked by Tengen and the void becoming pitch black. Why you awoke the void went back to the same whiteness. All of a sudden a shadow appeared in front of you. Taking a better look you found out it was you.

He lied to us!

But he's changed.

Is that what you tell yourself to sleep at night. You and me both know you were the unwanted 4th wife. Tengen-sama loves me. Can't you see it.

And can't you see that he's just using you. Why would he want a wife whose hard to control like yourself. He's already becoming bored of you.

No..he wouldn't he's different now! I won't allow you to harm him any further.

Tsk tsk (Y/n) and here I thought we were on the same page. We have nothing else to talk about. Disappear to the darkest regions of "our" mind where I thrived.

No wait you cant!

Oh I can and I will. How about I give you a parting gift.

The shadow version of you pointed towards the window like area that showed the outside world, you assumed was your eyes. You could only watch in horror as Tengen dropped his guard and was stabbed in the stomach by us.

Stop it!

Oh sweetie this is just the start. I'll pay that idiot back tenfold for what he did in the past!

You both was caught off guard with the weakened Tengen pinning you to the ground and kissing you passionately.

"(Y/n) I love and care about you come back to me please I need you." You heard Tengen said which made your heart ache.

That's it! If you can't seem to understand now there's not use in talking!

You said as you pulled out your famous white twin daggers.

Ha like you could do anything to me we are in your mind remember.

I realized that and I had some time to do a lot of thinking. I had time to revisit my emotions my negativity my insecurities. I understand where you stem from and I also know how to stop you.

You can't stop hatred (Y/n)

I know...that's why I accepted you. You says as you plunge your dagger deeply into your chest impaling your heart. You coughed up blood now staining the white clear void.

You fool! Are you willing to die for some man!

He isn't just some man he's my flamboyant husband!

Your breaths started becoming shallow as the void began to fade into nothingness just like your consciousness.

Tengen pov

"(Y/n)!" Tengen panicked as he watched your body fall from the tree you were just on spewing nonsense of how you would kill him. Nonetheless he caught you effortlessly in his arms.

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