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"(Y/n)...How long are you going to stay mad?" Tengen asked.

"Forever!" You said angrily.

"You're as flashy as ever. Y'know that my love?" Tengen said with a nervous chuckle.

"Uzui I'm not falling for that!" You yelled as you continued walking the familiar path to your village.

After a few more hours of Tengen's "flashy" apologies and the wives complaints of how far it was. You all finally made it.

"Lady (Y/n) is that really you!" One of your family maids ask.

"Hi Ms. Arizaka! Yes it's me in the flesh." You said as you smiled.

"It's pretty late if I'm assuming correctly you're here to visit (M/n) grave? You should visit her tomorrow come in before you all catch cold.

Tengen nodded and we all walked into one of the households.

"Wait is that really Master Tengen too!" Ms. Arizaka said in shock.

"Yes and this are our three wives, Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru." You said with a smile.

"Oh well it's been a pleasure meeting you all and seeing you two again. I must attend to my duties." She said as she got up and started to walk off.

"Wait! Ms.Arizaka how is my father? Is he well?" You asked worriedly.

"(Y/n) your father has been well but I really don't think it's a good idea to see him." She said with a worried look on her face.

"Thanks Ms.Arizaka..for everything." You said and she left with a smile.

I should see him still..

"You guys-"

"Not a chance. I'm coming with you." He interrupted as he got off the ground with a stomp.

"Fine..but the rest of you stay here my father doesn't take well to "outsiders" and already stopping Tengen is hard enough. But he says something to one of you I may not be able to control my own self." You said with a sad smile.

You walked out the room with Tengen towering over you like the big building of muscle he was. You made it to the head (L/n) residence and with a knock you excused yourself opening the door.

A kunai whis past your face causing your cheek to have a scratch. Tengen aura began to ooze out seeing you get hurt not even in the first minute of meeting the asshole.

Shit. I've gotta calm him down

You took his hand and intertwined it with your own. Giving it a tight squeeze you feel his body start to calm.

"Oh it's just you (Y/n) why have you ex shinobi come back. Oh and I see you've brought that Tengen back too. I never really liked them but the benefits from you marrying in was amazing. The money, the protection no one would ever mess with the (L/n)s! After so many years you finally was able to actually be useful for once!" He sneered and chuckle darkly.

".." You could only stay quiet at his harsh words.

"And who allowed trash like you to address my wife like so. Did your brain matter explode or what you mongrel!" Tengen yelled angrily as he commanded mice to bring his weapons.

"Muscle Muscle!" The buff mice brought in his cleavers.

"Uzui..that's enough." You said softly as you put a hand to his shoulder. He just looked at you in anger and then dropped it as he sheath back up his weapons.

"What did a brat like you think you'd do against me. The leader of this clan. You're far to young and inexperienced." Your father chuckled loudly.

What he doesn't know is that Tengen could probably wipe out my whole clan.

"Father. I came here to discuss matters involving the (L/n) clan and to visit mother." You said carefully as you sat down on the floor in front of your father leaving Tengen still at the door frame.

"Matters of the (L/n) clan don't involve outsiders like you and how dare you talk about (M/n) so freely such insolence." Your father yelled as he pulled his hand back and brought it forward closing the distance to your face.

With inhuman speed Tengen grabbed his arm and began squeezing it.

"As if I'd allow a bottom feeder like you to lay a hand on my wife not when her flashy husband is here!" He glared and chuckled at the thought, each chuckle caused his grip to get more and more tighter.

You hear your father yelp in pain. The noise reminded you of how much pain you experienced living here.

All the memories flooded to your head causing you to lose consciousness and hit the floor hard.


"You're not that bright are you." The small white haired male said to you as he put a hand to your face.

"Seriously you should fight back it's more flashy that way!" He said with a smile.

"But if I do that then I'll get hit again." A childlike you said.

"Don't worry since I am your god I'll protect you!" The boy said with a smile and you smiled back.

"What god are you of?" You asked shyly.

"Why the god of festivals and everything flashy of course!" He said enthusiastically as he grab onto your hand pulling you along.

"Where are we going!?" You asked shyly being dragged around by this energetic boy.

"Home (Y/n). So wake up." He said as he kissed your forehead.

Normal pov

This caused your eyes to jump open. You realized the face was that of the child in your dream but a lot older now. Uzui. You cheeks flushed in realization of how he was holding you and where his lips were. Which was on your forehead just like how the dream was. You stirred from the cradle position you were in his arms. This caused him to smile seeing you okay and so spry.

"(Y/n) we're going home. You're going to visit your mother first thing in the morning and after that we are leaving understood?" He ordered.

You nodded.

"It took everything I had not to kill that bastard. Who does he think he is couldn't he see it was a god in his presence and he still acted in such a pissant way to you!? It was so unflashy I could yell!" Tengen started rambling only causing you to giggle. He sighed in return and helped you up so you guys could make it back to the building you would be staying in for the night.

After you all got situated and the wives asked you a million questions you all headed off to bed. Everyone besides you. The rumour you heard earlier was still bothering you. The same one you wanted to discuss with your father. That women were disappearing from the clan and never to be seen again. No mission of anything.

You assumed Tengen heard it too but he was against putting you all in danger again since you were retired. You sighed and against your better judgement you got up and put on some clothes and put your weapons in Heaven's pocket leaving Tengen's cleaver there just in case he needed it.

You ran off in the dead of night to look for the women not going unknown to a certain ex sound Hashira. Who is very angry might you add.

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