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You jolted up with aches and pains all over your body. You gasped for air as you breathe out a breath you didn't know you was holding. Sweat dripped drown your body.

God I need a shower!

With that you looked around to see that you were laying on a futon in a room separated from the others. Waking up a little more you noticed you were bounded with rope to that sad futon.

What the hell

"Tengen!" You yelled with an irk mark now growing from your forhead.

You heard a group of footsteps approach the room and could only assume it was the other wives in tow.

"She's okay!" Suma cried as she rushed to give you a hug but failed because Tengen grabbed her by her kimono stopping her in her tracks.

Tengen then approached you and kneeled groaning from his wound from last night.

"Are you okay (Y/n) this is (Y/n) I'm talking to and not the other entity right?" Tengen questioned as he stared at you intently.

You for one being all ready annoyed at the situation called upon the power of Tanjiro Kamado and head butted your husband since he was in range. Earning you to hiss in pain along with him.

Is his forehead made of metal what the hell!

"It's me ya dimwit! And I know these binds are your doing relase me this instant you..you...blockhead!" You said angrily as he just smirked at you in response.

"That's my girl." Tengen says as he chuckled and removed the ropes from your body. You took that as a chance to knock him over with his own weight earning a gasp from the wives.  Now having him in a straddle position  you stared into his fuchsia eyes. His hand instinctively wrapped around you and pulled you closely to him as he breathed kind of heavy. His breath brushed past your lips as he closed the distance locking lips with yours. You just allowed it to happen missing this feeling of his affection. Without knowing you felt tears stream down your face which made Tengen retract his lips from yours. He moved his hand from your back and placed it on your cheek caressing it. You begun to cry even more as if you were Suma.

On queue you hear Suma join your sobs along with the others as they all tackled you in a hug shifting their weight all on Tengen which made him hiss through his chuckles.

Honestly Tengen enjoyed this sight even if it involved him being in pain each time seeing you all be over him like this made him the happiest guy ever.

"Alright now guys we should probably  get off of him he looks like he might pass out from the pain." You said as you got from on top of him and Makio dragged Suma off of him. Tengen just laid there on the futon deep in thought.

Heavens breathing. Third form: Heaven's blessing

You hands begun to glow that familiar white color as you gently placed it on his stomach wound.

He grabbed onto your arm and stared at you intently trying to find something but couldn't. You just assumed he wanted to talk about last night which you in fact was trying to avoid the topic. You just stared down at your glowing hands avoiding his gaze as much as you could.

After some time he was good as you which meant two things for you.

1. Questioning
2. Punishment

You shivered more at number two. You for one didn't know what he was capable of this time around since things turned out very bad on that little mission you gave yourself. You finally got the shower you wanted and  visited your mom's gravestone alone not wanting to bother the others.

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