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"God damnit my back hurts!" You exclaimed loudly.

"You look like a chubby rabbit (y/n)." Tengen laughed.

You on the other hand took that quite personally and didn't want to let that slide.

"L rizz." You said as you spin kicked him in his torso.

"Ow what does that even mean! That wasn't flashy at all!" He yelled angrily.

"Well you called me fat!" You screamed.

"Well because you are!" He said calmly.

"I'm leaving and never coming back!" You said defiantly.

"You are going nowhere without me or one of the wives. Seriously (Y/n) you look like you could pop the damn child out at any minute!"

"Uzui I'm not even due until another month from now calm down ya flashy imbecile!" You stomped out the door running into the other wives in the process.

"We got the goods!" Makio said proudly holding up some bags to your face.

"How's the little ball of joy doing?" Hina asked as she placed a hand on your very plump belly.

"They are doing well kicking alot per usual. Oh and girls get your husband because he called me fat and I almost had to rip off his testi-"

"Wahhh (Y/n) please anything but that!" Suma cried holding onto Tengen's arm.

She's more affected by that than him

"I'm still leaving but first...Uzui make me my sandwich!" You demanded.

"Aren't you the same woman who wanted to rip off my-"

"Yeah, yeah less yapping more sandwich making!" You interrupted.

"Why don't you make your own damn sandwich. It's not flashy at all especially the gross things you want on there."

"...." You smiled at him evily.

"Ha..ha, marshmallow,chocolate, and jelly right my love?" He says nervously as you nod in approval.

"(Y/n)'s mood swings are crazy!" Makio spoke up and the others look at her in shocked as if what she said was taboo.

"Hey Makio aren't you-"

"Yeah we'll be leaving now, (Y/n) eat your sandwich on the way!" Tengen said as he handed her the weird creation.

Walking right beside eachother to the butterfly mansion you held Tengen's hand.

"Yknow (Y/n) you can treat me however but try to chill a little on the wives. I know you mean well but they feelings are much more fragile." Uzui scolded.

"Yeah...I know thank you for interrupting me earlier, I really almost said something I couldn't take back." You said sadly.

Tengen noticing the change in your voice squeezed your hand gently.

"I wonder if I'll be a flashy father." He thinks aloud.

"If you mean flashy as in great, then yes I believe you will." You said with a bright smile.

"Y'know you're really cute chubby like this." He snickered.

"Are you saying I wasn't cute before you knocked me up!" You yelled angrily punching his shoulder.

"Oh look wisteria." He said casually.

"Wait where!" You said excitedly only to be flicked in the head by Tengen.

"We're surrounded by them always have been." Tengen a bad of sweat dripping from his forehead.


"Oh! Do you really not pay attention to your surroundings? Jeez that's not flashy at all." He mummered the last part.

"I'm tired." You said finding shelter under an nearby tree.

"Let's rest then. Here you can lay on me." Tengen offered as he propped himself onto the tree.

"Hehe..I was planning on that to begin with." You said slyly as you placed your head on his lap getting a nice view of his perfect features.

"Of course my flamboyant lover." He said with a chuckled as he played with your (h/l) hair.

"It's not fair to be that god damm beautiful Uzui." You said thinking aloud.

"I could say the same to you (Y/n)." He smiled looking down at you with his gorgeous fuchsia colored eyes.

"Wait I said that out loud!?" You stammered and turned bright pink.

"Pregnant or not you really haven't changed at all. You will forever be my airhead wife." He laughed making your body move with the force of his laughter.

"Yeah and you'll forever be my asshole of an husband." You laughed as well.

"Forever? Ya mean that. Now that's FLASHY!" He said with excitement laced in his tone.

"Yes you idiot, jeez I'm hoping the baby takes after me in the talking aspect." You sighed.

"So what you don't think my way of words is any good?" Tengen asked.

"No of course not, it's just if I hear anything being called flashy or flamboyant by anyone else other than you I cringe. Even at myself because it's fun for awhile." You said seriously.

"Nah the kid needs to have a flamboyant vocabulary or else how would others know that they are the creation of a god?" He asked which made you sweatdropped.

"Uzui your looks alone would make it a dead giveaway. And for some reason it irks me to say it but I think your genes are more dominant, so if they come out looking like the spitting image of you I may cry a little." You said with a light chuckle.

"Laugh any harder and you might just push the baby out early." He teased.

"I love you." You said closing your eyes with a huge grin plastered on your face.

"And I too you, my flashy wife." He said with a smile on his features as well.

Flashy Lovers (Tengen Uzui X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now