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Tengen's pov

That idiot! I'm a god for heaven's sake! Why does she never listen to me. Damn woman!

Tengen sighed and got up from the futon in which the rest of his wives shared. He contemplated leaving them alone for a bit afraid of what would happen he wasn't there. Sucking up any fears he had he walked across the dimmed room and grabbed his nichirin cleavers. With another huff in annoyance he was off to save his potential damsel in distress.

Normal/your pov

You leaped from building to building, parks of being a kunochi. Well ex kunochi. After patrolling the area you couldn't find any sense or source that a demon exist.

Maybe I should've listened to Uzui.

You shivered at the thought of what would happen next since you disobeyed him. The last time it happened he got close your face, his breath blowing on your ear. It caused your cheeks to flush and he wouldn't stop teasing you for weeks! That wasn't even the worse of it, he was going to spank you as soon as he finds out you left without his consent.

That man, is the only man I fear..

You shivered once again at the thought. As you continued heading through the path of the (L/N) compound you witness a woman walking almost zombie-like into the forest that no one was allowed to enter.


You were playing with a friend of yours chasing eachother around.

"Hey, Hey (Y/n) let's go in the village forbidden forest! It'll be like a cool adventure!" He said excitedly.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Mother tells me to stay away from that place." You said hesitantly.

"But (Y/n)! You always listen to your parents break loose for once. I'm going in there with or without you. Besides it's probably just a tale that grownups tell us to keep us in line, I for one ain't gonna stand for it!" (Y/fn) stated as he ran off into the forest.

"Hey wait up (Y/fn)! Don't leave me behind!" You said as you dashed behind him.

As you guys traverse the woods you hear weird spooky noises. Screams maybe. You turn your body towards the sound and seen nothing but darkness. With a panic you turn back to (Y/fn) only to see him not in front of you anymore.

"(Y/fn) this isn't funny! Come out please I'm scared!" You yelled out as your voice echoes throughout the vast forest.

After that it was silence until you could hear his screams. You panic and ran to the sound of his screaming until h went silent.

I'm coming (Y/fn)!

After running for a few minutes you finally made it to him and you were horrified at his state. In the opening of the forest there it was, his body was being torn into pieces by this unknown being.

You began crying your eyes out as you could only watch in fear as your bestfriend was being eaten by the monster.

Why did this happen! Why! Why! It isn't far

With all your might you let out a loud scream taking all your energy away from you. As you fell unconscious your body began to glow brightly with white light.

Demon pov(Flashback)

This meal wasn't that tasty, such an annoying brat screaming so loudly. I haven't had a good meal in years since I was bounded to this forest of Wisteria. Damn (M/n) of the (L/N) clan I'll kill her! Wait a second I smell her scent great of her to come to me that damn wrench.

He began to go into the direction of you as he heard your cries and smelled you from afar. (And no you dont stink lol) Preparing himself to close the distance he managed to witness you faint.

That ain't (M/n) but it's sure as hell another meal why aren't I lucky thank you master Muzan!

As he got closer to you, your body started to emit a white light and when he tried to touch you it repelled him away severing his hand.

"Makes sense hm. You've must've kicked the bucket huh (M/n) and I thought I could be the one to kill you! Now that's funny! Now you're toying with me protecting this brat! Or should I say you're daughter're not going to be able to protect her for long!" He says outloud almost as if he's talking to himself.

More light begun to envelop your body and then disperse along the forest. Making the whole forest glow in white light killing all of the weaker demons.

"This isnt the last of me!" He said as he jumped away running from the light.

(Flashback) Normal pov

You finally came to. But you were in your futon in your room.

What it was a dream? Wasnt I outside playing with someone but who? I cant remember the person..what did they look like. Well no point worrying about a dream I can barely remember. I'm going back to sleep.

Normal pov

You woke up in the forest bound to a tree and the woman you were following.

How the hell when did I get here..Don't tell me shit I fell for the demon art!

Unable to move anything you panicked.

Uzui's gonna kill me if I die here! Ughhh

"You damn demon show yourself! Hiding in the shadows is very unflashy!" You yelled out.

"And why would I do that when the shows about to start." The demon snickered.

You fell silent as you sense Tengen's presence coming close.

"I recommend letting me go now or you're going to have to deal with a very angry sound Hashira and might I add he's very livid. Especially since he isn't bothering on making his steps quiet." You smiled evily.

The demon only chuckled in return.

"Fine I'll let you go. But you asked for it!" The demon laughed as he freed you from his demon art binds. As soon as he did you fell into a pit of darkness in your mind.

What the hell did he do to me. It's like I dont have any control over my body. I can see fine though what the hell!?

"Let the show begin my precious puppet." He said as he laughed maniacally.

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