Chapter Fifty Five

Start from the beginning

Chiharu knew that Hitomi would do this without hesitation, even if Riku had ordered all of his people not to reveal Chiharu's location and hasn't yet lifted the order. For when she first met Hitomi, when Riku was introducing her to his family, she had made it clear that she didn't like Chiharu and did many harsh pranks to try and scare Chiharu out of marrying Riku. Of course due to Chiharu's stubborn nature she did not bow down. And even still through the marriage Hitomi was difficult to handle, making Chiharu decide to say, "The people who possess these masks work for an entity that calls itself the Puppet Master, and for some reason they are obsessed with Akina Urameshi." To which makes Hitomi roll her eyes and say, "Already know that bit, tell me something I don't already know." Chiharu stares at her in disbelief as she didn't expect Hitomi to know Akina nor notice that she is being followed by the Puppet Master's servants. "Well, speak already!" Hitomi growls, making Chiharu get over he shock and speak, "For some reason the Puppet Master has decided to partake in the Dark Tournament and wants Akina to partake. No one has ever seen the Puppet Master fight themselves and live to tell the tale, Instead they trick living vulnerable people to come to them, before turning them into puppets using blackmail or torture. These people are then separated into two categories: Servants or Slaves. Those referred to as servants pretend to be slaves that transport the slaves from place to place and seem to be unarmed or hold any relevance, whilst the ones referred to as slaves are the people who are given orders to carry out for the puppet master and if they fail the servant reports it to their master, who then instructs them to eradicate the slaves."

Hitomi steps away from Chiharu and places a finger to her chin as she hums and says to herself, "Interesting. They seem to not want to get their own hands dirty." She then looks to Chiharu and says, "You say they are partaking in the Dark Tournament and has been able to invite Akina, this must mean that those in charge of the tournament approached them and made a deal. This in turn points out that their location is known. Do you know where they are located?" Chiharu shakes her head, which makes Hitomi smirk again and say, "Don't lie to me Chiharu or you can have a lovely family reunion with your dear old daddy and his minions." Chiharu huffs and says, "Their hideout seems to have the ability to move to different locations. So there is a way to find out it's current location." Hitomi learns forward and says, "Keep going." Chiharu huffs and opens her spell book to a certain page and shows it to Hitomi as she says, "If you are able to perform this tracking spell, then you will be able to find it." Chiharu then smirks and says, "Too bad you don't have a spell book with this spell in it." She then quickly slams it shut and places it back where she got it with the smirk remaining on her face, that is until she hear chuckles from behind her. She turns to see Hitomi with an amused look on her face as she continues to chuckle, which soon converts to full on laughter.

 She turns to see Hitomi with an amused look on her face as she continues to chuckle, which soon converts to full on laughter

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"Oh Chiharu, it's so amusing how ignorant you think I am." Hitomi says after managing to recover from her laughter. "Riku must've failed to inform you, but ever since I was a young pup I hold a strong fascination for reading any scripture my family library holds and that I also possess photographic memory." Chiharu's eyes widen at hearing this as she now realises her mistake, especially as Hitomi ends up stalking her as her energy ends up flaring out of her form as a smirk plasters itself to her face. "I know that you stole that spell book during your stay at our palace before your wedding, I just didn't say or do anything, because mother taught me to never harm a family member. But you're not family anymore, are you?"

 But you're not family anymore, are you?"

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Meanwhile, Lord Riku was in his study writing a letter until he hears a knock, causing him to pause. "Who is it?" Lord Riku asks without turning away from his letter. "It is I, Milord. I have brought an update on Akina Urameshi." A male voice calls out through the door. Lord Riku turns away from the letter as he says, "Come in." The doors to Lord Riku's study open and a servant enters and bows before him. "Speak." Riku orders, leading to the servant saying, "My lord, miss Urameshi has been invited to the Dark Tournament, by the Eldest Torguro in the eyes of the officials, but he has done this under the demands of this entity that calls itself the Puppet Master." Lord Riku stands up from his desk and asks, "Is my sister aware of this?" To which the servant quickly replies, "I believe Lady Hitomi has discovered this. What shall we do next, Milord?" Riku turns back to the letter before answering, "Inform my mother that I will be housing a couple of guests and that I am personally fetching them." This makes the servant gasp and ask, "Are you sure, milord? We can arrange someone else to fetch these guests." This makes Lord Riku to look to his servant with a blank look as he asks, "Are you questioning me?" The servant releases another gasp before bowing again and quickly says, "No my Lord, please forgive me for such a terrible mistake."


Akina's POV

Myself and Goro get off of the train that took us deep into the countryside. "So, where do we find this Genkai?" I then pull out a map that mum had insisted I buy in order to go where Yusuke went to find this lady, and looked it over before saying, "There is a nature trail we need to take. And at the end of that trail we should be met with a set of stairs leading to the temple that Genkai lives in." Goro releases a groan and asks, "Why is it everywhere we go there's stairs?!" I turn to him and say, "Come now. We haven't even got there yet to see how many steps there are or how deep it is. It can't be that bad."

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