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SUMMARY: Harry, your college best friend has offered to help you move, but neither of you expected him to find your dildo in the midst of packing. And you especially not expected what came afterwards.

WARNING: sexual content


You know you're fucked the moment you see Harry grab the blue shoebox from under the bed, but it doesn't process until he opens the lid and pulls out your trusty purple dildo.

This was not on your bingo card. Your best friend holding your beloved cock replacement that has gotten you through so many droughts and heartbreaks when you couldn't even bear to look at a man.

Now that dildo is being held up by Harry and you feel like you're about to scream and burn the apartment down.

"Um, whose is it?" Harry manages to ask, his cheeks turning cherry red, but he is still holding up the fucking dildo.

Once your muscles are over the shock and you finally force yourself to move you step to him over the plenty of boxes and bags on the floor and grab the dildo from him before shoving it into one of the bags.

"Who do you think it belongs to, idiot?" you snap, the heat that's crawling up your neck is dizzying. "We're packing up my bedroom, whose fucking dildo would it be?"

Harry clears his throat and just stands there for a couple of moments while you busy yourself with emptying the dresser. But maybe it wasn't the best idea, because now Harry is watching you throw your thongs and all kinds of underwear into a bag, making it even more awkward.

This is not how you imagine this afternoon when you asked Harry to help you pack up your room. You've been living here for the past two years, sharing the apartment with two other girls, but you finally found a nice studio apartment for your senior year of college, so you're moving now. Harry has been a huge help so far, but right now you wish you never asked him to come over.

Minutes pass by and he is still just standing there, staring at you and it's now pissing you off.

"What?" you snap with a sigh as you finally dare to look up.

You've known Harry since the first day of college. He spilled his green juice on your right before your first ever lecture and then switched shirts with you just so you could make a good impression on the professor. So you sat in an oversized, simple black shirt while Harry sported a sheer white blouse with a big green stain on it, ignoring every curious eyes that turned to him.

You've been best friends since then, but you've never seen him look at you the way he is looking at you right now. Pupils dilated, the friendly green of his irises has disappeared, his pink lips are parted and there's something new in his posture as well, but you just can't put your finger on it.

And it's making you sweat.

"Uh, n-nothing," he shakes his head, breaking the eye contact at last. "It's nothing."

"Then let's just move on, alright?"

He only hums as he grabs a box from the floor and gets back to work. But it's not the same. You can feel the tension as you silently pack next to each other and you catch Harry staring at either you or the bag you shoved the dildo into. When some time has passed and you've passed by the embarrassment you finally work up the courage to address the situation, hoping to ease the suffocating tension.

"Um, sorry about... the... I forgot about it and didn't think you'd find it."

Harry looks up at you from the pile of shoes he's been placing in a box, he looks like a deer caught in the headlights for a brief second before a smirk tugs on his lips.

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