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SUMMARY: Harry would do anything for his pregnant girlfriend, just minutes before he is expected to be on the stage he is still seeking ways to comfort her.


"Thirty minutes, Harry!" someone warns him as he speeds down the hallway of today's show's venue, still in his sweatpants and hoodie, his outfit for tonight probably hanging in his dressing room where he is running right now.

"Gotcha!" he answers waving his hand before turning the corner and finally spotting the room with his name on it, holding the bottle of orange juice he just snatched up in the green room he enters, just to find you sitting on the couch pushed against the wall, legs pulled up, your phone propped up against some box on the coffee table in front of you as Anne's soft voice is coming through the speaker.

Harry's chest swells as his eyes drop to your round belly, it's a sight he hasn't been able to get used to in the past seven months. He could just sit and watch you do anything while pregnant, it's the most beautiful sight he has ever seen, no landmark, ocean, mountain or city skyline could compare to his girlfriend growing his baby.

"Yeah, that's exactly the case with me!" you nod, answering something Anne said, but Harry didn't catch it. You lift your head up to see him walking closer, a bright smile stretching across your face. "There he is!" you chuckle as Harry sits next to you on the couch, coming into the picture for Anne who is FaceTiming you.

"Hi mum!" he waves at the screen before pressing a kiss to your cheek and handing you the orange juice. You just faintly mentioned how you're craving orange juice and Harry was out of the room already, hunting for what you wanted. He's always been the kind who fulfilled your wishes in an instant, but ever since you've found out you're expecting, he's been even more enthusiastic to do anything for you, including running to the store at three in the morning because you craved one specific candy, or giving your feet a massage just ten minutes before going on stage. You always come first to him and he's made you cry with his overwhelming amount of love for you several times these past months.

"I just love you so much," you sobbed into his chest one evening when he scratched that one spot on your back you couldn't reach. It's been an emotional rollercoaster for the both of you, but you wouldn't have it any other way.

"Hi darling, how are you?" Anne smiles through the screen as Harry settles beside you, one arm instantly curling around your waist to keep you close.

"I'm good, how are you? Everything alright back home?"

"Of course, just called to check in with Y/N."

Harry adores how close you are with his mum, you're practically besties and talk more often than he does with his own mother. He still remembers how Anne told him to keep you forever the first time you met her, there was no question for her that you were the one for his son.

Next to him you're sipping on your orange juice with a pleased smile, one hand running down to smooth over your bump. Harry can't help but look at you with so much fascination and love, he always fears he would burst from happiness when he thinks about how you'd be giving birth to his son soon and you'd officially become a family, though you've been family for years to him, his home, his haven, his everything.

"Alright, I'll get out of your hair, have a nice show baby, I'll talk to you soon!" Anne smiles seeing her son so enamored by you.

"Thanks mum, take care!"

"Bye Anne, I'll text you later," you smile reaching for the phone, but Harry beats you and ends the call so you didn't have to move from your spot.

"How is the OJ, my love?" Harry asks as he watches you finish the whole bottle in a minute.

"So good," you groan, wiping your lips. "Thank you, Harry," you sigh in contempt as Harry takes the empty bottle and puts it to the table before turning back all his attention to you. "You should get dressed," you tell him when he lays a hand over your stomach, gently rubbing the bump, hoping to maybe feel some movement in there.

"Just give me a moment with the little one," he murmurs, cuddling to you like a little kid, so clingy all the time, getting handsy whenever he feels like it, but you love having him so close, melting against his warmth and feeling safe in his arms. "How is your back, darling?" he asks, his other palm gently rubbing your sore waist that's been killing you for the past weeks.

"Uh, throbbing, as always," you moan when he starts to gently massage your muscles with his fingers.

"Want me to hold the bump for a bit?" he offers.

"You have a show in twenty minutes and you're not even dressed yet."

"That wasn't the question, Y/N. I will be an hour late to the show if it means I can make you feel better," he answers firmly. "Come on, I'll hold it for just a bit."

Standing up he helps you up as well before positioning himself behind you, his large palms cupping your belly, slipping underneath it as you lean against his hard chest. A deep moan slips through your lips in an instant as he gently lifts your belly, taking the weight off of your back and waist. Your head falls back to his shoulder and he peppers the side of your face with soft kisses as he holds your bump carefully.

"You're a hero, my love," he murmurs, making you smile. "I just wish I could help you more through this journey."

"Don't say that, you did everything you could for me. Honestly, I've been feeling like a queen, served and taken care of all the time," you chuckle as you reach up to lace your fingers through his mop of curls.

"You're my queen," he answers playfully and you can tell he is grinning boyishly. "I love you," he softly adds.

"I love you too, H," you hum back, gently scratching his scalp as your eyes fall closed and let yourself sink into the moment.

Until it's interrupted by a knock on the door and a voice calling out from outside, warning Harry that he has fifteen minutes left until the show.

"I need to change," he sighs.

"Alright," you nod and brace yourself for the weight to return. Harry slowly and carefully lets go of your belly, your balance changing right away as the bump is now pulling on you on the front. A groan breaks out of you and Harry already feels guilty.

"Let me change quickly and then I can hold it for you a bit more," he offers, quickly going to put on his outfit, but you just shake your head chuckling as you settle back onto the couch.

"It's fine, H. Just go and do your show, I'll be right here, don't be late because of me, please!"

He is already pulling on his funky patterned pants, his curls bouncing around with his movements and it brings a smile to your lips.

"I'll give you the best massage after the show, okay?" he huffs as he steals a few short kisses leaning down.

"Sounds great. Rock the stage, like you always do," you grin up at him when he is already on his way to the door, but he runs back and takes your face in his hands, giving a big, sloppy kiss on your lips that makes you laugh before he runs off.

"I love you!" he calls back from the door.

"Love you too!"

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