FASCINATION (Infatuation part 2)

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SUMMARY: Making your first official appearance as Harry's girlfriend brings some struggles, but you realize that nothing really matters as long as you have his love.

WARNING: very slight sexual content, struggle with body image


Waking up is usually your least favorite part of the day, your sweet dream is usually interrupted by your evil alarm, signaling that it's time for you to leave the comfort of your bed and face the big bad world again. So it's safe to say you're not a sunshine of a person when you wake up.

But if instead of a blaring alarm it's soft lips that bring you back to consciousness, peppering sweet kisses along your spine... well, then it's not that bad.


You hum into the pillow, eyes still closed as those lips you know so well keep pressing against your naked back. It's a little cold, because he has pulled the sheets down your body, but the kisses make up for the discomfort.

"Good morning," he murmurs against your skin and his husky morning voice sends a shiver down your spine instantly.

"Mm, hope you had a good reason to wake me up on a Saturday." You try to sound mad, but you can't hide the smirk that stretches across your face when you feel his hand on your hip, sneaking underneath you until his palm is cupping your breast.

"I have several good reasons why I needed you awake," he chuckles, maneuvering you until you're finally on your side, pressed up against his front. He cranes his neck until his lips reach yours, greeting you with his usual morning kiss that usually makes you dizzy. "I needed your pretty lips," he mumbles against your mouth. "And I needed... your..." His hand has slid down your body, over your tummy and between your legs. Your satisfied moan finishes his sentence.

Seven months. It's been seven months of bliss with Harry and every moment you spend with him just keeps on giving. After that incredible night you spent together, the one that was filled with emotions and passion after you had to face Vincent, you didn't think it would be something that would last. You weren't sure if it was just physical, but when you finally managed to leave bed in the morning and sat down to eat breakfast, Harry made it perfectly clear that he was all in.

"Do I want to have you naked in my bed every possible? Yes, of course. Do I also want to listen to you talk about your day, take you out on dates and know you more than anyone ever did? Absolutely yes."

He left you speechless and all you could do was kiss him until your lips went numb.

So you've been his girlfriend since then.

Now as you're tangled in his sheets, you're chanting his name while he fucks you from behind, making sure your day starts perfectly. He knows your body so well he can get you to come faster than anyone has ever. You're fully satisfied way before the clock hits nine in the morning.

You shower together and then make breakfast, well, Harry makes breakfast because you've learned that he is practically a master chef, so you usually just stare at him dreamily while he makes eggs and toast, his mouthwatering cinnamon rolls baking in the oven.

"I have to leave in like... twenty," he sighs as the two of you sit at the kitchen island, your plates are now empty and he is sipping on his coffee. "I'll be here at six to pick you up, but Lambert will arrive soon."

"You'll be gone the whole day?"

"I know, I have some business to take care of," he sighs as he leans closer and kisses your pouty lips.

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