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SUMMARY: Harry never thought he would have a family to celebrate Christmas with, but now he has you and your daughter who he loves as his own and it seems like the little girl feels the same way about him.

PAIRING: older!Harry x single-mom!reader


Harry hasn't been this excited and nervous about Christmas since he was a little boy, when he still believed in Santa. He is thirty-seven now, yet his eyes pop open at six in the morning as if an alarm went off.

On his left he sees that you're still peacefully asleep, your hair is a mess and your lips are slightly parted as you're softly snoring beside him. He never told you that you snore, it's his little secret, he knows you'd get embarrassed and try to find a way to stop yourself from doing it, but he actually loves it.

He tries to relax and stay in bed a little longer, but he can't stay put and he doesn't want to wake you up, so he navigates his way out of the bedroom to make breakfast. He passes the giant Christmas tree, it's the biggest he has ever gotten, but in the past few years he had no one to celebrate with and he didn't want to waste on Christmas decoration just for himself. This year, however, he went all out so you and Tia would have the best first Christmas you spend living together. It's a special occasion and Harry wanted it to be perfect and memorable.

If someone told him three years ago that he would have an enormous Christmas tree in his penthouse with dozens of gifts for a little girl underneath, he would have snorted out a laugh and called them crazy. Even maintaining a stable relationship felt like impossible a while ago, but a lot has changed.

He met you and your daughter, Tia.

He had his doubts about dating a single mom, but you had him wrapped around your finger even before your first date. He fell hard and fast and he changed his whole lifestyle to suit you and it was the best decision he has ever made. Now, two years later you've officially moved in just a month ago and you're spending the holidays together.

Like a family.

Harry never saw himself as a father figure, he has come to terms with the possibility of never having kids a long time ago. Yet his life has turned upside down because of one three years old princess who is the true ruler of his luxurious home these days. There are dolls and toys everywhere, a pink towel and bathrobe in his spotless modern bathroom, a tiny, yellow raincoat with daisies on it hung up next to his Gucci coat and most of the times Barbie movies are played on his flat screen.

And he wouldn't have it any other way.

He walks over to the fridge that has Tia's schedule on it, Harry's name put up next to her ballet classes, it's been his duty to pick her up every Tuesday and Thursday, everyone in his office knows he leaves the building at four no matter what to be at the dance studio by four thirty.

He decides to make pancakes, Tia's favorite. He grabs everything he needs from the fridge and the pantry before mixing them up and grabbing a pan. Stacking them on each other he sets the table for three, brews the coffee just how you like it and makes hot chocolate for the little girl.

"You're up early."

He hasn't even noticed you were approaching him as he flips another pancake. You walk up to him and press a loving kiss between his shoulder blades before wrapping your arms around his waist from behind.

"Did I wake you up?" he asks.

"No. Bed was cold without you though," you hum as you watch him put the pancake on top of the pile and pouring more of the mixture into the pan.

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