BABY GRAMMY (Grammy Winner Husband part 2)

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SUMMARY: Harry wants to show the world what he is the proudest of: his first Grammy and his pregnant wife.


"You know, this makes a nice table décor," you smirk, stuffing some more oatmeal into your mouth as the two of you sit at the dining table in the morning, Harry's Grammy sitting in the middle of it, the morning sun making it sparkle right in front of your eyes.

"Yeah, but might be a little too flashy to keep it here," he huffs with a grin as he finishes his breakfast. His eyes scan over the award, he still haven't fully processed that he has won his first ever Grammy. "It'll be fine in the study."

"Wherever you want to keep it," you smile at him, reaching over you squeeze his hand gently.

This morning has been peaceful but filled with wholesome moments. Waking up Harry's hand was glued to your belly as he spooned you from behind, a tiny foot pushing right against his palm, wishing him a good morning in the best way possible. He kissed your shoulder and the back of your neck until you hummed and blinked your eyes open.

"Good morning, Mr. Grammy," you teased him, puckering your lips for a sweet morning kiss.

"That makes you Mrs. Grammy," he grinned and leaning down he captured your lips in a deeper, more passionate kiss as his hand wandered up to your swollen breast, his touch gentle, knowing well how sensitive you've been.

The kiss soon escalated, especially when his hand moved down between your legs and you moaned his name. He made sure you started the day satisfied and you wouldn't have felt like a good wife if you didn't returne the favor, using your hands to please him. When your belly started growing in the beginning of your pregnancy, you had quite a few concerns Harry wouldn't find you attractive anymore, that seeing you grow so big would be a turn off, but he assured you it would never be the case.

"You have no idea how big of a turn on it is to know that it's my baby in there," he murmured when one evening you spoke your fears finally and he has proven it enough since then that those weren't just empty words.

You had a quick shower together before making breakfast and now the two of you have a whole day of doing nothing ahead of you, just what you need.

"Still hungry?" Harry asks when you finish your breakfast, but you shake your head no leaning back in your chair.

"No, it was more than enough. Thank you," you smile at him as he kisses your forehead, grabbing your plates to bring it over to the sink and quickly rinse them.

Sighing happily your eyes fall to the award on the table, smiling proudly at the thought that your husband finally got the recognition he always deserved. You take the little golden phonograph to take a closer look at it, setting it on top of your belly. It's been a common thing since your belly has been the size of a watermelon, one time Harry came home to you eating Oreos off of it and he didn't stop teasing you about it for days. But what can you say? You didn't feel like having to wash a plate so you used what you had.

What you don't realize is when Harry comes back from the kitchen and his heart flutters in his chest at the sight. The light is coming from behind you as you sit sideways to him, making you appear like a silhouette with your big belly and the award on top of it. Harry can't stop himself from grabbing his phone and snapping a rather artsy photo of the moment, immediately setting it as his lockscreen.

Walking up to you he shows you the photo and you smile with a blush.

"Can I... Can I post this?" he asks shyly, sitting back next to you. His hand runs down your stomach as you place the award back to the table.

"Oh, you sure about that?" you ask. At the very beginning of your pregnancy he expressed how he wanted to keep it private for as long as possible. He felt like it's something he would like to experience without worrying about the world watching every step of his and yours. So far, you've been quite successful in it, other than your closest friends and family, no one even suspects that the two of you are about to become parents in a few weeks. Posting the photo would be a major change in the plan, not that you are bothered by it. You would have been fine with whatever he wanted, making it public wouldn't have bothered you that much, so it was really his call on the situation.

"Yeah. I have never felt happier in my life and I want to share it with the world," he nods.

"It would be your first post since your win, I'm afraid it would take the shine away from your achievement," you tell him. You're happy he wants to share the news with his fans, but your bump would surely take a bigger chunk of the spotlight if he posted that exact photo and you'd hate to make it about you when the Grammy is such a huge thing, all about him.

"Baby," he smiles softly. "My biggest achievement is this right here," he softly tells, cupping your belly once again. "And I wouldn't have won that if you weren't by my side," he adds, nodding towards the award. "I just want to show the world how proud I am of everything I have. If people focus on you instead of the award, I'm more than okay with that," he chuckles sweetly and you can feel your eye tearing up already. "You deserve all the attention and love."

"I hate that you can make me cry so easily," you laugh through your tears as you grab the back of his neck and pull him in for a kiss. "You can post the picture if you want. Do whatever makes you happy."

Smiling gratefully, he kisses you a few more times before he unlocks his phone and goes to Instagram. You rest your head on his shoulder as he edits the photo just a little, adding more contrast so it really is just your frame showing in the sunlight with the Grammy on top of your massive bump. He hesitates a little before typing in a capture for the post.

"Might convince her to make his second name Grammy."

You start laughing as he grins at his hilarious joke, posting the picture, letting the world in on the happy news you've learned quite a few months before.

"Though it might be epic, we are not naming him Grammy," you tell him, giving his arm a squeeze.

"Why not? We didn't choose a second name, might sound interesting."

"Theodore Grammy Styles? Nah-ah, don't even think about it," you shake your head, reaching for your juice on the table.

"No?" he smirks teasingly. "Just think about it, our little Baby Grammy! Aw!"

"Harry, I swear to God I'm leaving if you call our son Grammy again," you warn him, but he sees the playful shine in your eyes, you both know it's just a joke.

"Alright, we are sticking to our original plan," he nods. Leaning over he presses a sloppy kiss to your cheek before your belly gets one too. "Can't wait to meet you, buddy," he hums with the cheesiest but most genuine smile on his face.

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