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SUMMARY: sugardaddy!Harry / CEO!Harry fic where you and Harry meet at one of your lectures where he is a guest to present. You catch his eyes right away and he asks you out in a clever way.


WARNING: sexual content

You can't stop yourself from growling when you walk into the auditorium and see Nick sitting next to the seat you always take. He knows that's your spot, he knows you like sitting there because it's not too much at the front or at the back, it's close to the window so you have enough light but not close enough to make you shudder when someone opens them. That's simply the best spot in the room and he knows you always sit there. And yet, even after all the rejection he has suffered from you, he still wants to sit next to you and shoot his millionth shot just to get dumped again and again.

You roll your eyes as you walk across the room and pay a lingering look at your professor behind his desk. There's another man with him, leaning against the desk with his back showing to you, so you can't tell who it is, but judging from the expensive suit, he is not a professor around here. The university definitely doesn't pay enough to wear Gucci.

"Hi Y/N," Nick greets you as you walk up the stairs next to the rows and plop your notebook and phone to the desk at your spot.

"Nick," you mumble, already over his shit. At first you tried to be friendly and respectful, turning him down as nicely as possible, but he kept coming at you and now you can't even bother to be decent towards him. He needs to learn how to take no as an answer.

"How was your weekend?"

"Fine," you answer shortly, keeping your eyes down on your phone as you put it on silent. Nick then starts telling you about his weekend even though you did not ask him. You are plotting his murder when your eyes move to the front of the room, meeting a pair of intense green eyes standing next to Professor Robertson's desk. The mystery man is now staring straight at you, his handsome face pulled into a hard expression as he takes his time watching you.

Who is he?

He is tall and definitely muscular, broad shoulders and curls to die for, a faint stubble on his chin and above his pink lips, not the kind that gives away the vibe that he doesn't care about his looks. It gives him more of a manly sparkle, something no other guy in the room has, including Nick. This man, he is surely a handful and you can actually hear a few sighs around the room as other girls are noticing him. He is... the definition of a man. But who is he?

"So, are you free tonight?" Nick's question brings you back from your stance and you growl in annoyance.

"I told you, I don't want to go out with you. What is so hard to understand about that?"

"Why can't you give me a chance?" he pouts, seemingly ignoring the seriousness you've been trying to beat into him when it comes to you.

"Because I don't want to."

You turn back towards the mystery man and you realize that he is still looking at you, a playful smirk tugging on his lips as he hides his hands in his pockets before turning towards your professor who finally starts the lecture, robbing Nick from bugging you any longer.

"Welcome everyone, happy Monday. Today we have a special guest." Professor Robertson claps his hands together in excitement, glancing over at the mystery man. "Since this is a course about startup businesses, I asked an old friend of mine to talk about how he started his business off, built it from basically nothing. Harry Styles is the CEO of Styles Holdings, the parent company of some of the most successful businesses nowadays, working in many different fields. He was so kind to clear his schedule for us today so you can ask him questions following his brief presentation about his journey."

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