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SUMMARY: There is something about Harry dressed as Dorothy. And it's the red tights.


WARNING: sexual content

When Harry said he is dressing up as Dorothy for Harryween night one you had no idea what to expect. Did Lambert come up with a way to combine the character's iconic style with their usual pants-shirt-suspenders combo? Or is he gonna wear some crappy, cheap version of the blue dress and red shoes? You couldn't possibly know what it would be at the end but you for sure didn't expect this.

Harry kept the costume hidden from you, only wanting you to see it on the day of the show and judging from the excitement on his face you could tell that it's going to be amazing. He had this boyish glint in his eyes paired with a smirk every time it was brought up. Then finally, the day has come and the reveal has arrived. Harry wanted to do a fun reveal just with you, so he had you sitting on the edge of the bed as he changed into his costume.

"You ready?" he called out and your head snapped up in excitement.

"Yes!" you clapped your hands, grinning from ear to ear as your eyes were glued to the bathroom door. It slowly opened and he first stuck his right leg out, his otherwise hairy, strong legs were now fitted into red tights, the kind your mother dressed you in middle school. Then you noticed the custom boots that were made to look like he had a pair of glittery red shoes on with socks and as your eyes moved up he finally came into view, in a whole ass dress, his hair clipped back with a bow and you'll never forget the proud smile on his face as he struck a pose to you, then twirled and did a curtsey.

"Holy shit," you gasped, your mouth staying agape as you stood up from the bed and walked closer to have a better look.

"What do you think?" he asked, fumbling with the hem of his skirt.

"I think your fans are gonna go nuts, Harry," you chuckled, still in shock that he was gonna wear this on stage. You could already see the girls near passing out when they saw Harry in a dress right in front of them and honestly? You totally get them.

Because as you stared at your boyfriend dressed in red tights, a cute little dress and that bow on top of his pretty head, all you could think about was that you had to get your hands on him as soon as possible.

And you did. The costume didn't stay too long on Harry before you stripped him from it, but the bow stayed as you bounced on his cock before it was time to leave to the venue. Dorothy left to his concert completely satisfied, though your thoughts were still riled up by those red tights, they made you go absolutely feral.

MSG is buzzing tonight and you can't wait to see what the fans are gonna be dressed as. You're wearing a costume yourself, dressed as an angel with a pair of tiny, white wings strapped to your back and a halo headpiece, it was a last minute idea, but you know you're not what matters tonight.

Heading to Harry's dressing room you keep seeing the crew members in their costumes as well and you compliment everyone, enjoying this little parade that's been going on all day. As you slip into the room you find Harry standing in only his underwear, fresh out of shower, his skin glistening from the steam as he is typing away on his phone.

"Hey, you should get dressed, we need to do your makeup," you remind him. His head snaps up and smiles your way nodding. He finishes the text before putting the phone aside and walking over to where the costume is hanging neatly, though not long ago it was thrown to the floor in a frenzy, but Lambert doesn't need to know that.

Harry sits to the small sofa with the tights in his hands and he furrows his eyebrows as he tries to roll the legs up and put them on as easy as possible, but it seems like he is having trouble, the fabric keeps getting twisted and turned. When he growls for the third time and starts all over again, you decide to help him out.

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