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SUMMARY: A simple ASMR video brings some passion out of you or is it just the pregnancy hormones?


WARNING: sexual content

You thought you were ready for anything and everything about pregnancy. You've been bracing yourself for these months years prior, watching videos, reading all the books, learning all the information you need to know about growing a baby inside your body. There shouldn't have been any surprises about it, but yet your body can still make you go: "Oh, wow. I was not expecting that."

You're only nearing the end of your first trimester, the bump is small, not many people know about the news that you and Harry are gonna be parents, but during these three short months, so much has happened. It started with the morning sickness, you threw up every morning clockwise at around six am, as if your body had an alarm in it that screamed at you to put out everything you had in your stomach. Harry was by your side the moment your knees hit the cold tile and you leaned above the toilet, delicate hands brushing your hair out of your face as he gently soothed you, brought you water and a wash cloth.

Then you started to get nauseous at the weirdest smells, like strawberries, honey and then coffee. You couldn't be in the same room as these things, because the moment you smelled them you were gagging with no control. Harry made sure none of those could be found at your home from that day on and you felt terrible for making him stop drinking coffee, but he didn't even want to hear about your apologies.

"It's the least I can do for you, baby," he smiled, kissing your forehead before simply moving on.

The cravings came hand in hand with the smells, you've been eating impossible meals, like pickles with whipped cream or cheese with mustard. There was a new craving every other day and Harry was always ready to run to the grocery store to get whatever his pregnant wife desired.

Your libido has increased as well, but it wasn't as major as the other symptoms. The two of you were already going at it quite often, a few more morning and shower sex times didn't change much in your every days. But right when you thought it wouldn't get weird like your other symptoms, the most ridiculous thing happens.

It's a lazy Saturday, Harry is in his study, going over some paperwork he has to sign over the weekend as you're lounging on the couch in the living room, scrolling on your phone. One dancing video after the other, some celebrity exposing, it's all the same until one particular video pops up on your feed. It's an ASMR video where a girl does makeup with her long nails, the clicking of her nails on the product captured perfectly by the microphone as well as every other tiny little sound.

You were never really that into ASMR, though you've seen a few nice videos before. But this one. This particular video just tickles your senses and nerves in the most unexpected but blissful way that for a few moments you forget to even breathe. You have no idea what it is, the sounds, her comments or whatever, but you can't stop watching it over and over again, your whole body buzzing from the experience and before you could even realize what's happening... you're turned on.

A fucking ASMR video turned you on, how is that possible? No idea, but it happened and when you finally snap out of your daze, you can barely control yourself as you're practically throbbing. Throwing your phone to the cushion you rush to the study to see what Harry is doing and if he is willing to take a little break to... help you out with your problem. When you walk in, he is still sitting at his desk, his hair is a dazzled mess as he has been probably running his fingers through it continuously, he is wearing an old t-shirt and some workout pants, a stubble showing on his handsome face since he hasn't shaved this week.

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