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SUMMARY: While playing a round of 'Who'd you rather' on the Ellen show, your crush on Harry becomes pretty obvious, but during a fitting later, you find out that the feeling is mutual.


"Welcome back, I hope has everyone returned from our little break because we are playing a fun little game with Y/N, who by the way won a Grammy award for best new artist this weekend, so congratulations on that!"

Ellen smiles at you widely as she claps along with the audience and you're just smiling shyly, still not quite used to the sound of it.

"Thank you," you nod looking around.

"Okay, we are going to play a round of who'd you rather. Are you familiar with the game?" she asks you.

"Yes, I've seen others play it before."

"Great. For those who don't know the game, two people will show up on the screen and Y/N will have to choose one. Whoever she chooses will come with us to the next round and at the end we'll know who is her ultimate crush."

"Ah man," you huff, feeling a little nervous about who they are gonna show you and the audience laughs at your reaction as your fingers dig into the armrest of the armchair you're sitting comfortably in.

"Are you ready?" Ellen questions with a smile that tells you just how much she is enjoying this.

"I don't think I'll ever be, but let's get started," you chuckle nervously.

"Okay, let's see our first pair," she starts and two pictures show up on the big screen and on the smaller one at the front of the stage so you don't have to crane your neck. "So we have Zendaya and Tom Holland. Who are you choosing?"

"You really had to start with two of my biggest Marvel crushes?!" you whine and the audience starts laughing again as you chew on your bottom lip, trying to decide. "I love them both, but I'm gonna have to go with Zendaya, because in height, we would be better. I'm sorry Tom, I still love you!" you declare, looking around all cameras, hoping they all got your confession.

"Alright. So now we'll keep Zendaya and move on to the next person, who is... Harry Styles. Zendaya or Harry Styles?"

The blood rushes out of your face as you see a picture of Harry, memories of the two of you meeting at the award show in the weekend flooding back to your mind. Harry has been a crush of yours since probably forever. You've been a fan of his since his One Direction days and your career started to take off sometime around the time he started his solo career, only difference is that it took you a little longer to earn yourself a name in the industry. But this weekend you finally met him for the first time, in real life, without you just watching him on the stage with four other men.

You spotted him at the area that led to the red carpet, he was about to step out when his eyes laid on you and though he was wearing a mask, you still knew he was smiling from the little wrinkles in the corners of his eyes. Your breath caught in your throat, stopping in your track as you were holding up your gown so you wouldn't trip and fall with all the cameras around.

"Y/N! Hi!" he greeted you stepping closer, as if the two of you were old friends.

"Hi!" you managed to speak up, feeling completely starstruck.

"Love the gown! You look wonderful!" he complimented you and you could feel your cheeks heating up so fast.

"Oh, thank you, but I think you're stealing the show with the boas," you chuckled making him laugh as well.

Harry Styles Short StoriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora