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SUMMARY: You hate athletes and you don't plan on changing that for anyone. That is until you befriend the shy hockey player who ends up being your partner for your criminology assignment.


WARNING: a little bit of blood, bullying

Why on Earth did you have to get a roommate who doesn't know how to take no as an answer? You swear to all gods above, Zoe has never had to deal with rejection and not because she's always been the best but because she just refused to take it and pushed all boundaries until she got what she wanted. Tonight it's her mission to get you to turn your no into yes.

"Come on! You never go to parties, how are you gonna get your full college experience?" she sighs, flopping down to your bed next to you, where you're curled up with yet another crime book, an obsession that might be a bit too much in some people's opinion, but you like to call it a passion of yours. Your brother would beg to differ, but you don't let that ruin something you like. After all, it is what got you figure out what you want to do in life.

"Who said I want the full college experience? I am in college so therefore I'm having an experience," you retort, laying your book to your chest just in time to see Zoe roll her almond shaped eyes before she narrows them at you. Even pretending to be hurt and mad at you, she is still one of the most stunning girls you've ever met in your life.

When the two of you became roommates last year as freshmen, you were afraid she'd the type you tried to avoid at all cost in high school. The popular, everyone's favorite girl who only cares about herself. Well, the first part is kind of true, Zoe is the kind of girl who gets most people's attention walking across the campus, but she is definitely not the selfish monster you thought her to be, but a caring and lively bubble of endless energy who tried her best to bring you out of your shell through your first year. It was partially successful, you went to about two parties all year which was already more than what you were planning on, but she also introduced you to a lot of people and helped you find your own little circle. The two of you had a few classes together last year, but this year you both finally chose your majors which resulted in a schedule that didn't cross anywhere, Zoe chose International Studies while you started Criminal and Social Justice, something you've been highly excited about all summer.

Even though you were lucky enough to stay together after moving into another residence hall this year, Zoe now feels like it's her special task to get you out of the room and your own little room even more since she can't see you for most of the day usually, but you're not sure how you feel about that mission of hers.

"It's gonna be fun! We are not freshmen anymore, we'll be like the cool kids finally!" she tries again, but you're not giving in.

"Z, you are already a cool kid and I'm not trying to be one. I don't see the use of it for me."

"Okay," she huffs raising her eyebrows at you. "I didn't mean to tell you, but this is my last chance of changing your mind. There is an ulterior reason why I want to be there."

"I'm listening," you mumble, narrowing your eyes at her in suspicion.

"So, at the end of last year, remember when I went to the party with Callie and Mike?"

"Distantly, but yes."

"Well, I kinda hooked up with..." She looks away, a soft blush painting her face and now you're dying to know who got her this nervous.

"Just spit it out!"

"I hooked up with Niall Horan!"

Your eyes widen and your mouth opens before you close it, not knowing what to say. Niall Horan is the captain of Boston College's men's hockey team the Eagles, notorious womanizer and in your opinion, a straight up asshole.

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