All I Wanted Was You 2- JJ

Start from the beginning

"Jay are you ok?" Kiara spoke, walking towards JJ as he made his way out of the water.

JJ nodded, flicking his wet hair away from his eyes.
"Couldn't be better."

Kiara raised an eyebrow, "JJ you need to tell me these things- if we're going to-"

"Just not now Kiara." JJ snapped

Kiara's eyes widened.
"You never call me that."

JJ sighed deeply, dropping his surfboard to the sand.
"I don't think we- I don't think I made the right choice."

Kiara took a sudden step back.
"Are you fucking serious JJ?!"

"I thought I was doing the right thing- I thought I was giving Aaliyah a chance at life, a chance to have the life she dreamed of without having to be tied down by me but- Kie I love her so fucking much." JJ confessed

Kiara shook her head slowly in disbelief, "Are you saying that I risked everything- I risked my friendship for nothing..?"


"No JJ- just...drop it."
Kiara snatched her towel that laid amongst the sand, shoving it under her arm as she stormed up the beach- leaving JJ lost in his own thoughts.


"LIA!" Topper grinned, making his way over to the girl.

Aaliyah rolled her eyes and continued wiping down the tables of the Country Club.
"Yes...?" She smiled

"You're just the girl I wanted to see." Topper exclaimed enthusiastically, taking a seat at the table.

"Oh no...this can't be good then."

Topper rolled his eyes playfully.
"I have a proposal for you."

Aaliyah rose an eyebrow, "Ok I stand by what I said- this isn't too good."

"Hear me out Lia- you and me, playing golf right now what do you say?"

"Yeah right." Aaliyah snorted

"Oh c'mon it'll be fun!"

"Topper I've never even picked up a gold club let alone swung it around."

"I'll teach you!"

Aaliyah shoved her cleaning cloth into the waist of her apron and picked up the disinfectant bottle, making her way to another messy table.
"I have work- which is what I'm supposed to be doing now."

Topper relentlessly followed the girl.
"I'll take care of it."

"Topper Thornton there is no way in hell I'm playing golf- especially not here at this Country Club where I'll be laughed at by a bunch of stuck up kooks!"


"This is pointless!" Aaliyah groaned, her shoulders slumping in defeat as she stared at the tiny white ball that made absolutely no progress across the field.

"You'll get there- practice makes perfect." Topper encouraged

Aaliyah never thought she'd be spending her afternoon playing golf at the Country Club- especially not with Topper Thornton himself.
She watched as Topper turned his back to her, rummaging through his set of clubs.
How does he make this seem so easy?!

Aaliyah sucked in a deep breath, holding the club in the position Topper taught her beforehand.
Well here it goes- for the hundredth time.

"Golf is definitely not the easiest sport- but once you get the hang of it yo- AALIYAH!? WHAT- WHAT THE- DUDE! ARE YOU SERIOUS! HEY STOP THAT!"
Topper's eyes widened in shock as he ran over to Aaliyah.

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