Still into You (12)

Start from the beginning

"Aw. Sorry to have worried you." He said. This time he spoke deeper, but with an odd accent. The accent sounded unique, something Shy hadn't heard in a while or maybe never before at all.

"So, Jack Smith, why is that your name? Surely everyone here knows you as J-"


"Sorry. As JD."

"Well, they do, but I made it a rule that they can only ever call me Jack Smith so if some paparazzi find me I know who to blame. Don't worry too much though, everyone here is fine and cool. They all accept me for me."

"Good. Are you here all alone?"

"Yes. I sometime come with friends, but mainly alone. It's cooler and I become less noticeable when I'm alone."

"Good point. What are you drinking?"

"Some wine. What are you drinking?"

"Cider. I'll probably only drink one since I'm driving. I prefer fizzy soft drinks anyway."

"Good girl. When I was your age I used to drink every alcoholic drink in sight. I'm glad kids these days know better than I did. Do you want something to eat?"

"Yes, sure. What would recommend?"

"I like the beef burger with fries, I mean chips.... I remember that you don't like too much meat..."

"I like chicken, just not beef. I'll have the chicken burger with chips..."

"Alright. I'll go and order it-"

"I can do it if you want-"

"No. I'll do it, Shy. Don't worry." Johnny got up and walked away to the bar. Shy felt shy when it came to seeing Johnny again, so far he didn't seem too interested in her, but she hoped that as the day went on, perhaps he'd feel different. Once Johnny got back he told her he ordered the food, "I've ordered it. It'll be around 20 minutes which isn't bad considering how busy it is..."

"This is considered busy? There's only a few tables with people sitting at them!"

"Yeah, well, for this small pub that's considered busy. It's ok though. I've found that the best time to come here is for breakfast. They make really nice eggs on toast here with nice British bacon, none of the stupid American bacon rubbish."

Shy smiled when Johnny said rubbish... he sounded so cute and British, but British was definitely not what his accent was. "Hearing you say 'rubbish' is hilarious. You've turned yourself into a very British gentleman. Why are you putting on an accent?"

"To hide myself a little more. Changing my name isn't enough for me, I needed to go all the way. Can you guess what my accent is now?"

"Not really. It sounds too unique. Is it French?"




"Hmm, Irish?"

"Nope. I'll give you a clue. I know a guy who is from there..."

"How is that a clue, Jack? You know literally everybody!"

Johnny liked the way Shy called him 'Jack'. "Somebody really close to me. He was on tour with us in London... we all were together..."

"Erm... Alice? You sound like Alice?"


"Like Tommy? He's a New Yorker...."

"Nope. Think of someone closer to home."

Shy was losing her mind. "I don't know, my dad?"

"Nope. I'll tell you a quote and then it'll be obvious, 'To die will be an awfully big adventure'."

"J.M Barrie? Scottish? Like Malcolm?"


"Awe, I should have guessed that. I said Irish and not Scottish, damn, I'm an idiot." Shy said before sipping her drink.

Johnny frowned, he didn't want her to take anything to heart, "Shy, you're not an idiot... Don't say that about yourself, darl." Johnny reached across the table and grabbed Shy's hand. "You're not an idiot."

"Are you sure I'm not. My dad seems to think so..."

"Well, I'm not him, am I? You're very talented, Shy. Your songs are really good. Me and Tommy have already downloaded your EP so when it goes live we'll be the first to hear it."

"Great, thank you. I haven't gotten around to doing anything with the song we covered yet, but I'll probably upload it to YouTube soon so don't worry."

"That's fine..." 

The barmaid from earlier came over with two burgers and chips. "Beef burger with chips, for Mr Smith and a chicken burger with chips for the lady. Have a nice meal." She said before walking away.

"Thanks." Shy smelt the burger, it smelt nice. She tasted a chip, it was nice and crunchy on the outside and soft and fluffy on the inside. "The chips are really nice."

"I know. I freaking love this place..."

The burgers were really tasty and Johnny and Shy finished everything.

"That was really nice, wasn't it?" Johnny asked.

"Yes. I'm going to go to the toilet, give me a sec." Shy got up and went to the toilet, while she was gone the barmaid came out and took the plates away. "Can I get either of you anything else?"

"Erm, yeah. Can we have come ice cream please?"

"Sure, what flavours?"

"1 chocolate and 1 vanilla, please. Oh and a can of Fanta for the lady."

"Alright." The lady walked.

By the time Shy came back, the barmaid was back with bowls of ice cream and Shy's can of Fanta. "What's all this?"

"I thought you'd like some ice cream for dessert. I got you chocolate, is that ok?"

"Yeah and Fanta?"

"Yeah, you said you liked fizzy drinks so I got you Fanta. Is that ok too?"

"Yes, thank you."

Shy and Johnny went onto eat their ice creams and finish their drinks.

"Should we go now?" Johnny asked.

"Sure. Do you want me to drive you home? I don't mind it, although I'd understand if you didn't feel comfortable. I doubt people like you want young girls knowing where you live..."

"If you want to you can drive me home. I actually have a nice place to show you if you want me to direct you somewhere else first..."

"Sure, let's go."

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