Chapter 77: Bad decision

Start from the beginning

"Dear lord! Your manners, little squirrel."

I sobbed to the pain but none budged to help me out. I stumbled upon my two left feet almost bumping into the desk.

"You deserved it, mom too!! How could you all lie to my face without feeling an ounce of guilt. My whole life was a lie, if grandma wasn't here, I would have ended rampant in a lecture instead to vent my anger onto some out of law wolf."

His finger never left the spot he held onto but his grip dug deeper into my skin making me yelp in surprise.

"If we raised you like a lycan when you were a kid, none of us would be alive in the mess you would have created."

That big idiot he didn't know how to talk to ladies. His laughter weakened his grasp and I involuntarily hid behind Jay as the chance came to get away. An old habit of mine whenever I was face to face with that monster, I could be half his size, he wouldn't go easy on me. Thus mommy or grandma were to become my shield, once in a while. Today it was Jay, the situation demanded so.

"And you'll end up alone for the rest of life if you keep talking to ladies with your actual skills, Eos!!"

His face contorted into a funny wince before uttering words I anticipated.

"Mom, leave the poor girl alone, she's insane enough on her own."

I thought I anticipated.

There was no other choice but to pout, I was miserable, my hair wet and ground sticking to my skin just like his touch. The thought of Jay broke again the charm of my dearest uncle. Eos always had me transported to another world as if reality never ever mattered as long as we had each other's company.

If I didn't have a father, I had Eos and I don't think anyone could have been better than him. Even if making me cry and pout was one of his favorite games.

Jay hand's responsively encircled my waist and the pure blood lycan turned his attention to the elders of the Riders family.

"Excuse my niece, she is a bit wild and unbearable but she's genuine and nice. I hope you would not mind her lacking manners."

His head paid respect to the parents and they imitated his bow.

A bit restless but the playfulness was not disregarded.

"Sir Eos, if you're satisfied with seeing her face, I'll show you to your room and we'll guide you around the land so you'd get a bit more familiar with the place. And when the time is right I think it is best if all of us were to have a conversation."

Eos agreed.

And followed the alpha couple outside, he passed us without a glance but he did look back.

"You two, get a shower before anything else."

I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks, coloring my face warmly. His grasp only tightened as I felt his fingers imprinting on my ribs. Not forceful yet possessive.

The three adults exited the room and I shoved him away.

"Quit playing hard to get! I know you want me. They all smell it. We won't need to hide it anymore."

I was perplexed.

"Hide what exactly?"

He tried to shorten the distance I tried to create between with a wicked smile.

"The relationship that we have, that we have been trying to mend."

I stood my ground sneering at his absurdity.

"I don't think we have anything going on."

He stopped moving towards trying to calm his frustration down, but it only gave him the courage to prove me wrong.

"What about the kiss at Kamil's and now was it nothing to you?"

His sky like pupils burnt mine with its intensity. Nonetheless, I laughed in his face.

"Yes you're right. You're hot and I'll fuck you but don't you thing a second that I'll introduce you to my family."

My voice cracked at the end, it was built up anxiety coming up all at once. My eyes teary not understanding my own reaction.

Hundreds of emotions struck me at the same time, from overwhelming fear to raging anger. Goosebumps didn't wait to invade my skin.

The blue of his eyes dimmed to gray and the white became rosy red. I heard his teeth clenching and his knuckles split with how much he was pressuring them into his fist.

His steps slowly invaded my personal space, I soon hit the door with my back and his breath fanning the side of my face.

I should be hating this but I was a weak maiden, so weak my knees could give up any moment now.

"I apologized and I apologize again. I will not give up on you nor on us. I sincerely wish to make us work and I'll give you the space you need, whatever you want, you don't even need to introduce me to your family. But in the end, I want us together, even if it takes years."

To be honest I became insensitive to his speech a long time ago. What I couldn't supressl were my urges after hearing his whispering voice and the way his scent. His unique existence had a way of driving me insane. Insane enough to make the bad decision."

"Whatever, I need a shower. Want to join me?"


Thank you guys for still following the story, I couldn't be consistent lately but I'll do my best post more often.

The next chapter is already written so you won't have to wait too long for what's coming next!!

Love you always!!

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