40. angel - lonely prelude

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"i ask you about love, you'd probably quote me a sonnet, but you've never looked at a men and felt totally vulnerable

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"i ask you about love, you'd probably quote me a sonnet, but you've never looked at a men and felt totally vulnerable. known someone that could level you with his eyes. feeling like god put an angel on earth just for you, who could rescue you from the depths of hell. but you wouldn't know what it's like to be his angel. you don't know about real loss, because that only occurs when you love something more then you love yourself. and i doubt you've ever dared to love anybody that much."


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the sun came into the room, blinding changbin as he opened his eyes. the room was excruciatingly warm, he felt sweat dripping down his forehead. he felt extra warmth coming from his side, he felt soft breaths hitting his neck.

the breaths tickled, warmth spread around his neck. he felt an arm wrapped around him, the pressure being evident on his stomach. there was a leg wrapped around his own.

he wanted to kick the person away, but the heat would only be substituted with guilt. so, he decided to endure the heat for a couple of minutes.

he laid in silence until he felt the limbs moving away, slowly turning his own head to face the boy. felix smiled up to him, "sorry," he whiped his eyes.

changbin smiled in return, the youngers hair was messy. it was sticking up in areas, and flat in other areas. he looked adorable, if he had to admit. "it's okay," he whiped the sweat off his forehead, standing up as he pulled his shirt off his skin. "we should invest in that ac."

"yeah, it's hot." felix groaned, stretching as he sat up. "july rolled in, and now it's suddenly just been 90 degrees everyday. i miss the rain."

"yeah, but then it would be more humid," humidity was disgusting.

the two boys had showered, both of them being engulfed by tshirts and a pair of shorts.

"excuse the mess," changbin whispered, kicking away a package that stood by the floor of the entry.

they walked to the back of the house, sliding the backdoor open. felix let out a small gasp, "you said small, i expected a square foot big."

there was a stone path, leading to the back of the garden, it was surrounded by different sources of flowers. there was a section at the front which held a hose, wagon, and water pitcher. "what do you do with all the flowers? what kinds do you have in here? theres so many!"

felix was amazed, it looked like a fairy's garden. "i usually just keep them here, if one of the boys asks for some i let them come pick them out. they don't come that often, so a lot of them are still packed."

"there's a lot of different ones, i have forget me nots, tulips, roses, peonys, hydrangeas, i have some orchids, lilies, daffodils, periwinkles, azaleas, snapdragons, do i have to keep going?" felix shook his head, smiling as he bent down looking at the lilies. "i have a greenhouse in the back, and a small 'farm'"

felix stood up, following changbin down the path. "where did you learn to grow things?"

"my grandpa taught me a lot of what i know, his house used to be filled to the maximum with plants." there were flower pots laying around the garden, containing different plants.

the path ended, in-front of them sat a green house. it was covered in vines, even more flower pots and plants growing inside. "it looks so, beautiful," felix's mouth was gaping, staring at the greenhouse. next to the greenhouse stood a shed, and to the other side a farm. "have any of your plants grown yet?"

"no, the tomatoes have bloomed flowers, but they usually take a while. the rest also take a while, they'll probably have something in about two weeks." he bent down, touching the dirt it see if it was damp. "are your forget me nots still alive? you could take some more flowers."


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[ july 7, 2023]

wonder on repeat | changlix Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora