4. plum

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"even the sweetest plumhas only got so long" troye sivan

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"even the sweetest plum
has only got so long"
troye sivan

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felix took a sip of his plum juice, loving it.

it was his usual order from the cafe, plum juice and a sandwich.

"how do you even drink that?" his friend, seungmin, gave a look of disgust. they would get together every morning, going to a cafe, or simply eating breakfast at each others houses.

felix turned to look at him, "it's so good! do you wanna try it? do you? do you?" felix bothered seungmin, pushing his juice towards him. they were sat in the school parking lot, in felixs 2 door jeep wrangler.

they stared at the cars driving in, seeing if any of them belonged to their friends. they had tried carpooling before, all of the boys that lived on the street. but they would never make it on time.

they cheered, watching as a white volkswagen bus drove into the parking lot. he took off his seatbelt, throwing the trash into a bag he had in the back seat. he would probably clean it out later, if he remembered.

"jisung!" he yelled, hugging the boy. "oh my god, i missed you."

jisung was his best friend. they actually saw each other regularly, but the boy had been kidnapped by his boyfriend for the past couple of days.

"what about me?!" a voice came from the other side of the car. not one he missed

felix laughed, "i can't lie to you. i'll admit to missing you when you guys let me have a good night, minho."

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[june 19, 2023]

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the new music videos is so good :/

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