Chapter Fifty Three

Start from the beginning


The sun was shining above the citizens of the Kaidan region as they continued living their day to day lives; adults were trying to survive work, teens and children were trying to survive their school experience. However, their was an adult and a teen who were still in their apartment living life. Atsuko Urameshi, who is carrying a basket of laundry, approaches a closed door that blocks her off from the person she wishes to speak. She knocks on the door and asks, "It's me. Can I come in?" She waits patiently for a response, which does come by a call from behind the door, "Yes!" Atsuko opens the door and steps in to her daughter's room, where she sees Akina Urameshi closing her notebook and putting it in her desk draw. "Finished for today?" Atsuko asks her as she makes her way over to Akina's wardrobe and drawers and begins to take out clothes from the basket and into either one of them. "Yeah, I am. Is it alright if I go out and visit a friend today?" Akina asks as she then logs off her laptop and continues to put her stuff away. "Having another day out with that Shuichi boy?" Atsuko asks her, causing said girl to shake her head and look at her mother as she replies, "No. I'm meeting up with someone else. Another kid my age who is attending online school too." This makes Atsuko look to her daughter with surprise, but washes it from her face so that she can smile at her and say, "Sure. You go on ahead." Akina smiles at her as she grabs her bag and starts making her way out of the house and calls out, "Thanks mum!"

Atsuko was happy to see her daughter happy, especially after discovering that she kicked Yusuke Urameshi's ass for doing something reckless. The foolish male teen thought his mother would tell his sister off for doing such, but instead got an additional ass beating when his sister had told their mother that he had gone off on a suicide mission. The thought of potentially losing one of her children again made her go berserk. Hiei was nearby and gladly watched the scene from a different rooftop near their apartment. This in turn lead Yusuke to be thankful that he had school to go to or pretend to go to so that he can avoid the two angry females in his home, until their anger depletes. 

This is where Yusuke envies Kurama, who had indeed took Hiei's advice and ran off to find a hiding spot whilst Yukina was still around. However, Yusuke is unaware that Kurama did in the end get caught and Hiei was amused by how this one played out. Akina had actually informed Hiei of how she would get to Kurama and he had to admit that he didn't see it coming. Shiori Minamino had received a phone call from Kazuya Hatanaka, who had arranged for a special date for them. Both Shiori and Kurama were unaware that Akina had approached Kazuya and gave him the idea. She had also waited to approach Shiori when Kurama wasn't at home to convince her to have a key so that she can help manage the house whilst Shiori was away on her special date, Shiori was unaware that Akina meant that she would be managing her anger towards Kurama. This all had caught Kurama off guard as he hadn't detected her sent of Spiritual energy when he had come home, allowing Akina to get a few hits before Kurama had gathered himself together and prevent her from hitting him. But that didn't stop her from lecturing him and resorting to another punishment that definitely hurts him more than her punches or her words....the silent treatment.

The only person who was free from her wrath was of course the Prince of Spirit World. Koenma actually had caught wind from a frightful Botan, who genuinely feared that Akina was going to kill her, and at first Koenma believed this to be an exaggeration to a simple slap and lecture. It was only until he got his TV to watch the previously mentioned events, did he instruct Botan to avoid Akina at all costs so that she cannot demand an audience with him and disable her communicator in case Akina chooses to use it to contact them. Everyone in Spirit World was shocked to hear him say how getting a thousand spanks from his father was mercy compared to Akina Urameshi, and he was yet to face an angry version of her in person. "Lucky Bastard." Yusuke grumbled when he had found this out from Botan.

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