61: Wielder

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'It can be true if I think about it more closely now..... Magic exists in this world but that doesn't mean it's limited to just the elements everybody can cast.' Katarina slowly took a bite with an oddly suspicious expression across her face, 'I can teleport whenever I want because of dark magic and I'm considered to be the most powerful vampire of all because I have dark magic. Those handsome-looking old geezers said something about how vampires can't do rituals to give themselves dark magic since they're dead, you have to be alive to have it but I awoke my dark magic over a single accident and had always been a vampire since born thanks to a stupid witch that cursed this body just because she hated the Duchess for disrespecting her once on accident.'


Katarina snapped out of her thoughts and turned to the Crown Prince who smiled when she looked at him.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Oh, I was just wondering.. if duel wielding could be possible, wouldn't someone lucky also be born to master all four elements too..?" Katarina lied.

"Hm..?" Gerald was in deep thought about that.

"It is possible, it's just unbelievable considering it might just never happen." Alan chimed in.

"Ehh? Why's that..?" Katarina hummed.

"If magic had just been based on inheritance, you'd probably need two duel wielders of different elements to have someone be capable of using all four, be it weak or not." Alan shrugged, sometimes he can be the smartest in the room considering he occasionally works in the ministry with Maria.

"But since that's not the case," he gave Nicole some of the paperwork he finished looking over with Keith, "It could be possible but the chances are way too low to even hope for."

'I guess Lady Katarina was having a mental crisis.' Maria chuckled.

"I see... But if it was, can it also be a possibility for them to use light magic?" Katarina asked.

Keith rolled his eyes sighing, "They're unbelievable things to even hope for, Sister, but I don't think gaining light magic would be easy for them since it's rare."

Katarina leaned back against her chair, 'So.. it's just like vampires not being allowed to use dark magic, I've seen just a few rare ones with fire or wind magic but I've killed them. Which means it'll be even rarer to see any with magic now, most vampires will probably only have the ability to shapeshift and gain wings for some reason.'

"It'd be cool to see someone be able to wield all of them at once though." She smiled nodding.

"That would be a dream, Lady Katarina.." Sophia chuckled, 'That'd make for a good romance novel plot for either the love interest or the protagonist though, to be able to wield all four elements would be a dream come true for everybody.'

They had quite the laugh inside the office.

In fact, it's these moments that they love spending time with the most even while they're busy working together.

Oh, how fun, only that wouldn't last long.

[4] Crazy Bastard (Female!Reader x Katarina/MNLAAV:ARLTD fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now