39: Restaurant

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"Lady y/n, the fact that I didn't get rid of you means I care well enough not to be baseless with how I act." Katarina pondered, glancing to the side, she noticed a pair of eyes on her, softening her voice to only be audible for y/n to hear, "I'm only playing along, everything else was made up by those around me, I've said it before that I never had plans to be the academy Saintess, didn't I?"

Y/n put a hand under her chin, in deep thought before asking, "What about... That incident in the.. forest?"

"Does something like that even matter now?" Katarina smiled, 'That's too rude..'

Strange, it felt cold, it sent shivers down y/n's spine to sit upright with a gulp, her hands trembled slightly as she clasped them together to keep herself from losing it.

"Oh, my apologies." Katarina pulled her darkness back within her, nobody can see it unless you're a light mage.

"Did I scare you too much?" She asked.

The air around them finally loosened to be breathable again, as she sighed in relief to catch her breath, "Yes. You very much scared me half to death, Lady Katarina."

Katarina chuckled under a hand.

Y/n's eyes wandered down and away from her seashore eyes and to the gold rings in her hand, 'Gold..'

Katarina wasn't known to be into rings, she's heard that Gerald's gifted her quite a lot of them but she's never worn a single one of them.

A thought occurred when she thought of that.

"Your rings.." she mumbled.

"Hm? What about it?" Katarina glanced down at the rings she was wearing.

Y/n pointed at them with one hand, wondering, "Are those some of the rings His Highness the Crown Prince gifted you?"

"Eh? Why would I ever wear any of the engagement rings he's gifted me?" Katarina was bewildered by that question, "I would never wear such things, are you joking? I'd feel like a laughingstock."

Y/n raised a brow.

"They're not??" She blinked.

"Of course not, I bought these myself, I'm not that cheap to rely on jewels gifted to me." Katarina raised her hand to let her look closer to it.

"Yeah, but you're picky then?" Y/n scoffed.

"Pfft--" Katarina sniggered, suddenly grinning in amusement, she held back wanting to laugh, "Yeah, I am quite picky but that's not something everybody knows."

Y/n stared at her, 'Great now I know this two-faced woman is actually a prick in reality too.'

That was useless information.


Gerald had taken the empty table just a table back across the one Katarina occupied with this other Lady.

He's never seen her before and the way he saw Katarina was dressed was new in a good way.

Different, he's never seen her dress like that other than when he's training in swordsmanship or the field taking care of the vegetables.

It almost looked like a different person if he hadn't seen her side profile for a split second.

He held the menu in one hand while watching them, 'What are they talking about..?'

Unfortunately for him, he couldn't hear what they were saying though.

"Prince Gerald."

[4] Crazy Bastard (Female!Reader x Katarina/MNLAAV:ARLTD fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now