Caught up

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It's on the first day that Ranboo goes to work that Tubbo wakes up to the sound of chirps and chirring in front of his door. He pulls himself to his feet with a face of sleepy confusion, his hair visibly tossed and turned by the night.


He begins to carefully open the door only for it to get jammed by something that makes an odd crocodilian chirp in response. A dread that's more amused than actually anxious stirs in Tubbo's chest and before he's even begun squeezing himself out of his room a preemptive laugh flutters in the air.

Sure enough he slips through the slightly open door and is immediately face to face with a large feathered nose and a hallway completely filled up by a curled up mound of dragon. The dragon in question looks lifts it's head off the floor slightly and chirrs as it notices Tubbo stepping out of its room, expression not unlike it was the last time the dragon hybrid was hit by a lot of instincts.

Tubbo tries to hide his amusement as he pets Tommy's head, his own instincts curling around his chest at the responding preen.

"What's up, boss man?"

The dragon whines at Tubbo's chuckles , trying to roll his eyes and back up a little but just ruffling his own feathers instead. Tubbo bleats (though it's almost close to another bout of laughter), pressing his forehead to the dragon just in time to almost end up on his face when the large figure gives way to a more open room, a blond teenager and flapping wings.

Tubbo feels lightheaded with amusement, boosted even higher by his tail wagging and his instincts jumping for joy in an attempt to meet Tommy where he's at.

If he's honest with himself, he's relieved to see Tommy acting so strongly on instincts even if it would otherwise be boring. The past few days have been full of concerned expressions, a lack of wings and stifled sounds. He had been worried that something had happened but now that it's plausible that it was just Tommy trying to delay some big instincts he feels better about the whole thing. Not that trying to do that is a good thing but at this point it's clear that they're being let out somehow.

And so, he indulges hismelf by listing to Tommy chirping as the other hybrid tries to get himself back into a "normal" headspace from the other room while Tubbo himself gets ready for the morning.

To be fair, when he makes his way to the kitchen counter to find two premade meals and an empty plate and remembers that that means today is the day Karl and Quackity wanted Ranboo to start going back to work he feels a low kreen attempt to escape his own throat. He catches himself almost panic at the realization that Tommy should also be at work and is late before hearing another chirr and realizing that there's no way in hell he's going to make Tommy leave the house right now when it sounds like getting dressed and (kind of) brushing his hair seems to be a bit of a struggle for the blond this morning.   

He is especially certain of the idea when Tommy makes it to the table to eat, his pupils almost taking up all of the blue in his eyes and his hair and feathers disheveled.

Tubbo is still a little tired hismself as he watches Tommy sniff his food before eating it with his body almost curled around the room temp-sandwich with a slightly interested tilt of his head. If nothing else, the curious and dragon obsessed part of his brain sees this as an opportunity to learn more about the dragons that his friend shares so many traits with.

His instincts enamored with that idea, Tubbo ends up grabbing a pen and paper from Ranboo's stuff and writing a few things down before finishing his own breakfast.

He watches Tommy crouch on the ground to become face to face with Micheal while the cat plays with a feather in Tommy's hands and he notes the different chirps that respond to anything Tubbo says (or noises his own hybrid mind makes in response to the dragon).

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