Idol conversation

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Tubbo wakes up in almost complete darkness.

He stretches with a tremble, feeling  his legs press against something solid and warm. He bleats in soft frustration as he tries to stretch his arms in the same way but can't go far enough.

A soft growl responds to the sound and he realizes what he's pressed against, the soft rumble and even breathing of the sleeping dragon almost luring him back to sleep.

Curiosity about their location  forces him awake. It's just as dark as he expected, the only light his eyes can even try to adjust to is some scales on the wing above him glowing softly like faded stars.

He reaches up and presses his palm against the unfamiliar texture. The small individual scales press against his palm but as he moves his hand down they are surprisingly smooth. He hums in curiosity before trying to find a way out of the organic tent.

He catches a sliver of light in the corner of his eye and slips his hand into the gap, watching the way the wing folds inwards as he pulls back the appendage.

It folds l until it reaches the dragon's side, resting naturally against the rise and fall of his chest.

With a soft sigh Tubbo carefully makes his way away from the dragon's side, blinking away the light. He looks up and sees a purple creeping over the horizon but no bright sunlight so it's probably not late. The goat hybrid looks out of the window and sees a dense spruce forest sprinkled in snow. He watches it pass for a bit before making his way to a door he discovered in the back of the car the day before.

It creaks open to reveal a way into another car, the door labeled as a washroom. Cold wind bites as his face as he steps onto a small platform before turning back. He gathers his nicest clothes to his chest and braves jumping the gap between cars, his tail flicking nervously as he looks back at the ground rushing under the train.

He braves the gap once again once he's done getting ready for the day.

When he returns to his car Mellohi is still asleep in the center of the floor, taking up space with each rise and fall of his chest. Tubbo pets his head as he squeezes past him to reach the booth.

Outside the window the forest seems to grow more and more snowy. He finds himself wondering why the cart still seems so warm despite no apparent heating system outside of the body heat of the inhabitants.

Ignoring the weather he slides into the booth with a hum, reaching underneath the table where he stashed the snacks Ranboo packed them. A bag of pretzels and some jerky from their trip to drywaters.

Treating the snacks as breakfast he wonders how long he has before he meets his idols. He tries not to think about it too hard.

A yawn sounds behind him, alerting him to his roommate's new awake status. The dragon seems to subconsciously reach at where Tubbo was with his wing before opening his eyes and quickly shrinking back against the unwelcome brightness. Tubbo chuckles at the familiar action.

" finally up, boss man?"

The dragon nods before stretching, pressing his ears flat against his face and trembling with effort.

An amused smirk teases Tubbo's mouth as he realizes how much it looks like Michael. A much larger and less graceful Micheal.

The dragon stands and takes the two steps it takes to get over to where the smaller creature sits. He huffs, Tubbo giggling at the way it slightly fluffs his hair. The dragon yawns again before settling his gaze outside the window for a moment before turning to investigate the feed with a cautious sniff. Tubbo turns back to his food but based on the crunching and curious whine he can hear from behind him the dragon tries the dry flakes Tubbo found where some sort of sweet potato in his investigation of the car.

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