Closet hangers

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If you asked Tommy, this is definitely not his favorite city. He feels his claustrophobia flare up even when he's outside because of all of the people and how close together the buildings are. The arena for the competition overlooking the town from its spot on the flattened mountain top doesn't help, it's honestly more intimidating than the others.

Tubbo, however, does not seem to have such problems. Especially as Tommy finds himself following Tubbo to the "special" library Techno recommended they check out while the sbi get everything settled for the competition tomorrow.

His wings are pressed against his sides and he tries to keep his tail from swinging too far out. He feels entirely too large for the narrow pathways Tubbo keeps taking (trying to get there the most direct way possible without even thinking about the dragon behind him).

The goat hybrid in question, however, is walking with a hum with the highlighted map in hand. His tail bobbing up and down with each springy step.

At least Tubbo's happy, that's reassuring.

He relaxes as the path opens up to a main road again, relieved as they turn to follow the road instead of diving down another narrow pathway.

Up ahead he sees what must be the building, a quite large building made of smooth stone bricks with a bold (and very large) metallic door.

Even at the doorway his ears catch on the chirps and trills from beyond it. When the door swings open he finds why the library is "special". More dragons than he's ever seen in the same room before are scattered through a large center room.

Like petals around the middle of a flower, smaller rooms filled with books sprout from all but one direction of the room. There is also a second story on the room itself in the form of a glass dome covered in bookshelves.

Tubbo seems similarly surprised and the two hybrids stand in the doorway or a solid minute or two with open mouths. Most of the dragons are too small to be ridden but a couple are boldly larger than him.

He glances at Tubbo, whose eyes seem largely stuck on the two largest dragons.

One of them is a wingless dragon  clad with shining copper scales ,surveying the library's occupants with a proud glint in their eye. The other is asleep besides them, reflective round scales creating spots on the ground besides them.

It takes Tommy a second to remember why they seem familar but as the realization dawns on him a startled voice demands his attention more than even the famous steeds could.

"Tubbo?! No way, man!"

Tommy watches in suprise as three hybrids step out from behind one of the bookshelves to their left. A similarly suprised grin stretched across the duck hybrid who owns the voice.

"Big Q?!?!? Is that-"

Besides the (somewhat) familar forms of Quackity and Karl's friendly faces, a blaze hybrid with black hair tied in twin burns on the top of his head raises a hand in an ackward greeting.

" Oh! That's right you've never met, have you?"

Karl steps forward to gesture twords the fourth most famous celebrity the duo have ever spoke to face to face.

"This is Snapnap, our boyfriend"

Tubbo looks between the three with his mouth agape, looking somewhat offended.

"You two never told us you where dating one of the top dragon riders?!"

Quackity laughs as if the exclamation is the funniest thing he's heard all week, wings pulling the other two hybrids closer to him in an odd form of confirmation.

Now to be fair it's not like Tommy or Tubbo have never been super close to the two. They've always just been two friendly faces they could count on if they needed anything (and Ranboo's superior bosses compared to Billium). That being said, Tubbo's always been very vocal about his interest in all things dragon and the smirks on Quackity and Karl's faces tell a story of a purposeful withhold of information.

"Well why did you think we're never in town for dragon competition season"

Tubbo's shock fades and instead, annoyance keeps into the expression he gives Karl.

"Obviously not that the whole time you've been dating one of the main competitors!"

The competitor in question chuckles softly before deciding not the humor the interaction any longer, closing the distance between the two riders with a glance at Mellohi before extending one of his hands.

"Well, speaking of competitors you must be Tubbo. Welcome to the dragon riding scene"

Tubbo blinks at him before blushing and shaking his hand with an excited flick of his tail.

"Oh, thank you?"

Sapnap hums in thought before turning his attention to Tommy, running a warm hand along his wing.

"Have to say, for some reason I thought you both where bigger"

Tubbo laughs ackwardky and Tommy huffs, looking away from the hybrid indignantly.

"Same, thought you would be closer to Techno's height"

If Tommy wasn't a dragon he would have laughed at the response the
gasp that follows it.

"Oo, who's this?"

A new voice enters the fray, Techno's "rival". Dream stands next to Patches, the dragon's neck pressed against the sheep hybrid's body while he holds her heard.

It doesn't take much longer for the other inhabitants of the library to start gathering in the center, drawed in by the promise of dragons and riders alike but Tommy finds that he and Tubbo have gotten much more used to them. He is almost able to completly ignore them as he finds himself a comfortable spot in the center of the room to watch Tubbo's interactions from.

He supposed Techno's promise of exciting ressources on dragon riding makes more sense as Tubbo takes the opportunity to pester the riders with questions, both personal and not.

Just as he gets comfortable however, another familiar face enters the library with a

"Dream, I have some snacks for you guys-"

"Hey, 'papa' "

Tubbo and Mellohi make eye contact as Puffy of all people walks in with a box of donuts, twin feelings of "what the hell" apparent in their expressions.

" 'Papa'???? "

Quackity and Karl's boyfriend ... the apparent inside joke between Puffy and her (apparently) little brother.

Guess it really is a small world, after all.

(Another short chapter but hey, I don't want to stretch this segment out too much. This whole time I've thought all the little things implied by this chapter where pretty funny but guessnmits time to see if it's just me)

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