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Ranboo laughs nervously as the nose of a dragon nuzzles into his side as the enderman reassures his housemate that he is indeed wanting to do this.

After the short flight with Niki and Tubbo a day ago, Tommy had asked Ranboo if he would want to try a "real flight" with them now that he knows that he can trust the dark-feathered dragon. The reminder of how jittery he was around the blond when he was Mellohi had brought shame to the enderman hybrid's face but luckily Tommy didn't seem to take any offense from it, rather he seemed to take an odd sense of pride in being able to scare him. He had agreed, under the condition that none of them free fall this time (a condition Tommy seemed to find much more agreeable after his own tumble through the atmosphere) (though, Tubbo just shrugged non-comitaly ). He's glad they agreed because while the dragon hybrid is practiced in case anybody does fall (unlike Friend, who just panicked), Ranboo has had enough excitement in the past month for the rest of their life.... Well, with Tommy and Tubbo he knows the excitement in his life is far from over but he can still try and keep them all from an early grave.

Now he's just trying to hype himself up, though it's more fighting the instinctual desire to keep both feet on the ground than anything else.

He finally wins the internal battle with the help of Tommy's quiet rumbles and Tubbo's help. It still sets some of his nerves on fire to be able to feel every breath from the dragon beneath him but part of his instincts coo (as they always do) at the clear evidence of his haunting members' being safe and sound... Though the secure feeling starts to waver as Tommy checks on them once more before taking off with a powerful beat of his wings.

Ranboo presses himself closer to Tubbo as Tommy immediately differentiates this flight from the last one with an upwards spiral, as expected.

The air thins significantly in a matter of moments as Ranboo presses his face into the fluff on Tubbo's hood in an attempt to save himself from growing dizzy.

Tubbo laughs softly at him as they finally begin to slow.

Its cold at this height but the soft bite of it is oddly refreshing in his lungs. The enderman hybrid slowly pulls away, blinking against the wind that lashes at his face until he can see. Tubbo is talking about something or other,the wind muffles it too much to understand but Ranboo doesn't mind as he looks out over the distant town. It looks a little blurry around the edges from here but it's an undeniably cool feeling to see the same pathways he walks on every day from such a great distance.

He kind of sees why Tommy and Tubbo like being up here, even if his stomach keeps turning for no reason and his heart is still beating pretty quickly. It's beautiful and, if nothing else, it makes him feel undeniably alive. Glancing over the side reassures him that he still doesn't understand the desire to free fall, however.

"You ready, boss man?"

Ranboo looks to Tubbo, chirping in mild confusion before seeing the look in Tommy's eye and doubling down on his grip on the other hybrids swiftly.

"For wh-"

His voice was apparently "the signal" and the dance through the thin level of oxygen resumes with the shrieks of laughter (in Tubbo's case) and fear (in Ranboo's) taking the place of the starting pistol.

Fortunately, Tommy decides to give him mercy and it's not long before Ranboo is back on the ground, dizzy and pressing his forehead against a cold wooden beam to steady himself.

"You good?"

He looks up and Tommy's returned to his usual, more humanoid, self. Ranboo nods with a chuckle and appreciates the way Tommy's wings deflate in either relief or disappointment.

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