To hold a cloud

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The feeling of a large hand gently shaking Tommy's shoulder serves as his wake up call. He yawns before turning over to give whichever housemate interrupted his dream an unfocused but pointed glare. Ranboo has the audacity to laugh softly at his face of sleepy fury so he bats at him with one hand, making an annoyed growl that serves only to backfire and give that bastard a fond chuckle.

"Tommy, you have to get up if you want to be able to go to work on time"

Curse Ranboo and the humor lacing his voice, curse the fact that he's right,  curse the fact that the care behind waking him up makes him feel sof, curse his boss for deciding he didn't want to open the inn by himself like he does every other day of the year.

"Screw off"

Ranboo laughs with a flick of his tail before helping his friend out of bed, Tommy lets himself be dead weight until he's fully standing just to spite the enderman hybrid.

This is the earliest his work has ever started. He would be even more pissed if it didn't mean that he won't have to rush from work to be able to join Tubbo in his secondplace form before it got late enough for the boy to worry about Tommy the way he has the last five days. After all, the first practice went so well that in the six days since they've continued getting used to each other's presence and staying stable when running .

The problem is that they haven't gotten to flying yet .... But Tommy thinks he's going to fix that today because what better day than some random-ass thursday where Tommy conveniently didn't tell Ranboo that his work ends earlier in case they need time.

"I'm going back to bed, have a good day at work"

Ranboo gives him a warm smile and Tommy gets dressed and drinks his smoothie, ignoring the way that his tongue begins to feel bitter as he realizes how much he's been lying to his platonic soulmates with it lately. Always on a job or a walk or whatever they thought he was up to instead of at home for at least four hours a day not counting past nightfall like he used to be. He takes

Ranboo's help gets him to work on time, the thin imitation of his tail whipping at his ankles as he unlocks the door and gets ready to answer any guest questions until his only coworker or Jack, his boss, gets there to take over. Then he'll be stuck cleaning the empty rooms of the guests that left or haven't been occupied in a while.

Then he can show Tubbo how amazing flying is.

The anticipation is both a blessing and a curse, keeping his energy and friendliness up while stretching every second he isn't a over ten foot tall animal into minutes. When Jack does show up the blaze hybrid even comments on it, asking why his tail and ears keep flicking while he bounces on his feet whenever he has to wait for an elevator or pausing his work.

He assures him it's just that he's excited about something.

When his shift finally has the decency to end so he doesn't have to worry about bolting and getting their water supply put in danger he's off. He wanted to take the opportunity to not run with his stupid human legs to the den but he can't help but run and bristle with excitement. He vaguely wonders if this is how Tubbo felt about watching the tournament. He knows waiting for Tommy is more of a nervous excitement for him after hearing him talk about his experience every day.

He transforms as soon as he's hidden from view and hops out with now-practiced ease. He jumps and begins to glide home, wondering what it will be like to fly with a rider, he hopes it's not too much more difficult. He doesn't want to be embarrassed if he can't take off and he definitely doesn't want to hurt Tubbo . He knows Tubbo wants to taste the clouds though and Tommy did not set up this whole plan just to deny him that.

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