Taking your pet lizard for a little walk.

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When Tubbo wakes up he still can't quite convince himself that the day before wasn't just a dream. That his seasonal gardening to get his crops ready to sell actually turned into not only seeing a regal dark dragon but being accepted by it as its rider.

Because, really, the only evidence that it wasn't just a dream is the absence of the redwood carving that usually rests in the drawer of his nightstand and the memory of it.

He lays in bed, staring at the ceiling for almost an hour after waking up with his arms behind his head and all of his blankets dumped on the floor. Light filters through his window and he watches dust particles dance. He can still remember clearly but it doesn't feel like it was real. He pictures the dragon's bright blue eyes and hot breath. He remembers deep purple feathers rustling and he remembers the way his heart hammered in his chest when he let his back become exposed to the beast to offer the small statue. He remembers the way he trembled until Ranboo and Tommy got home and he remembers the looks on their faces when he told them.

He remembers but he still can't believe it.

After all he remembers dreams, doesn't he?

With a sigh he makes his way down the hall to where Ranboo is playing with Michael. His smoothie awaits him and he drinks it gratefully. The sound of Michael's collar jingling and Ranboo's amused chuffs return him from his dazed state, reminding him that whether or not yesterday was real (or if it was a cruel hallucination) Michael is real, Ranboo is real, Tommy is real and he is real. Tommy would call him an idiot if he knew how much he was doubting himself right now, speaking of Tommy;

" hey boo?"


"Where's Toms? He doesn't have work, does he?"

" Well, he said he was 'going to hang out with his many wives' so I'm guessing he's on a walk or helping at the bakery or something"

Tubbo stifles his laughter, not wanting to give Tommy that satisfaction (even if he's not there he'd sense it somehow).

"Guess that makes sense"

Tubbo yawns pointedly before doing his dishes and walking over to Michael. The kitten's attention leaves the long feather Ranboo was using as a toy as he trots over to Tubbo with a mew, clambering gratefully onto his lap and beginning to turn the goat hybrid's legs into bread dough.

Tubbo lets the cat knead until a flick of Ranboo's tail is deemed more interesting. Ranboo yelps in surprise as the cat suddenly , and without mercy, bolts from Tubbo's lap and bites at the stringy tail. Tubbo laughs at the antics but as soon as he opens his mouth to tease the enderman a purposeful thud on the door catches his attention, followed by a huff from a large animal.

Cautiously he stands up and makes his way to the front window to investigate, pausing when his eyes catch sight of a dark form pacing outside of the house like a caged tiger, dragging his tail on the ground. Looking at it, he gets the feeling that yesterday wasn't a hallucination after all.

"Ranboo get the hell over here"

The hybrid in question chirps curiously before rushing over and lets out a startled warble at the sight, his tail swinging nervously (much to Michael's delight).

" I think that's my dragon"

Wait.That's his freaking dragon?! He opens the door and cautiously approaches, the dragon's head turns towards him and his pacing comes to a halt. The two stare at each other for a moment or two before the dragon begins to walk towards town with a low growl. Tubbo rushes to his side and stares in awe as he follows the dragon, mouth agape as the dragon struts through roads and walks along fences like an overgrown cat and he knows he isn't the only one.

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